We did it!
Vivien Grahame raised £3,060 from 113 supporters
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Closed 20/07/2018
Iʼve raised £3,060 to Help out Stu Who who has been unable to gig due to ill health
- Glasgow, UK
- Funded on Friday, 20th July 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
Stu Who? is one of the most well loved and respected comedians around. He gives all he has to every gig he ever does both in performance and in encouragement to fellow comics. Stu has Crohn's Disease and is back home recovering after being in intensive care recently. He has missed a lot of work so we comedians would like to give him something back so he can recuperate without the financial worries.
Updates appear here
Vivien Grahame started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
john purves
Jul 19, 2018
With warm thoughts.
Margo Carr
Jul 5, 2018
Wish it were more. Hope you're rallying Stu xx
Tommy O'Rourke
Jul 4, 2018
As someone Stu Who has awarded a new arsehole to on more than one occasion, i’m sad to hear of his illness, and not being able to gig. Get well soon.
Irene Napier
Jul 3, 2018
Hope Stu gets better soon
Alex Frackleton
Jul 2, 2018
Jun 30, 2018
Abronhill Urban Gorillas....and Wee Monkees, and Orangutangs...YA BASS!
David Beaumont
Jun 28, 2018
Hi Stu - v long time no see at my place in Bloomsbury with Martin, tall tales & sharing a bed with Mark. Get better soon.
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