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Victoria Fitzgerald raised £18,855.5 from 507 supporters
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Closed 30/04/2017
Iʼve raised £18,855 to Help young Mum Lindsay, receive lifesaving cancer treatment in top German Clinic.
- Taunton, United Kingdom
- Funded on Sunday, 30th April 2017
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After being mis-diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, we tragically found out in the new year, that Lindsay has advanced Bowel Cancer, it having spread to her liver, lymph-nodes and lungs. She is an amazing Wife and Mother to her two young children and her two step children and we now need to ensure that we get her the treatment she desperately needs to enable her to spend more treasured moments with the people that love her so very much.
We are now in the awful, traumatic position of having to seek pioneering treatment in Germany, as the NHS are offering little hope of any improvement in her critical condition, as they do not provide the specialist therapies necessary for Lindsay's survival!
We are hopeful, with significant support and contributions towards the cost of the pioneering treatments, that Lindsay will benefit from the unique Liver treatments being offered and be able to get past this critical stage. Hopefully, then she will be in a physical condition to be able to enjoy watching her 5 year old son and one year old daughter and her 13 and 9 year old step daughters, grow up in the years to come.
We can not stress enough the importance of timescale to this fundraising task as there has been such a dramatic decline in Lindsay's health in the last 6 weeks, that she is currently unable to pick her son up from school or even lift her daughter into her arms.
All donations will be so gratefully received and we would like to thank you in advance for helping to save this beautiful young Mother's life.
- 8 years ago
Victoria Fitzgerald
8 years agoThanks to your support Lindsay has spent the last 8 weeks receiving treatment in Germany. As a result, we've had the pleasure of having her back home for a short while to spend quality time with her children & family. I can't begin to explain what this has meant to all of us. Lindsay's beautiful smile and amazing strength is our driving force! Lindsay will return to Germany in the coming days to continue treatment. From our hearts we thank you for your kindness, generosity and support at this crucial time.
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- 8 years ago
Victoria Fitzgerald
8 years agoThanks to your generous donations, I have begun the pioneering Hyperthermia treatment that we are hoping will considerably reduce the tumours in my liver. I am being so well looked after here in Germany, receiving daily infusions to reduce chemo symptoms, give me more energy, boost my immune system, magnetic-field therapy, liver cleansing and complimentary therapies. I am so grateful to you all for giving me the opportunity to try and prolong and improve my life. Thank you so much for your continued support. Love, Lindsay and James xxx
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- 8 years ago
Victoria Fitzgerald
8 years agoAfter Lindsay's rapid deterioration and weakness and risk of picking up infection flying, James and Lindsay have made the 14 hour journey to Germany by car. Thanks to funds raised so far Lindsay can now begin treatment, however, we still need and appreciate all of your continuing help and support in receiving this life saving costly treatment. Every message and donation has contributed to getting Lindsay there and we thank you from our hearts. Please continue to help us reach our target. Thank you x
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- 8 years ago
Victoria Fitzgerald
8 years agoPhenomenal is the the only word right now! Every single person that donates or shares is making a difference every minute. The messages and the support from family/friends/friends of friends and even people we don't know mean so much to Lindsay and her family right now, from our hearts we thank you. Every day is a step closer to making those treasured moments we didn't think we could have. Most of all Lindsay and James to have many many more special moments with their four children. Thank you all so much for your continued support x
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Victoria Fitzgerald started crowdfunding
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Apr 4, 2017
Apr 2, 2017
Hope all is going well.
Apr 2, 2017
Donna smith
Apr 1, 2017
We are all thinking of you all xxxxx
Sammie Tizzard
Mar 28, 2017
Xxxx ❤️
Emily Johnston
Mar 25, 2017
Wishing you every sucess with your treatment Xx
Louis Thompson
Mar 22, 2017
Hope this helps a little Victoria
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