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Through Vicky's Eyes raised £56,221.54 from 936 supporters
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Closed 19/07/2022
Iʼve raised £56,221 to Support Research Into LCA RDH12 To Help Children See The World For Longer
- Funded on Tuesday, 19th July 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
We are now Eyes on the Future. We have an official charity page. Search for Eyes on the Future or go to www.justgiving.com/eyesonthefuture
Thank you so much for your support !
We are raising £100,000 to support research into LCA RDH12 to help children see the world for longer.
LCA is a rare inherited retinal dystrophy characterised by severe loss of vision from birth. It's the primary cause of blindness in children. It affects 1 in 80,000 people and it is the most common cause of sight loss in children. More than 25 forms of LCA exist, caused by different genes.
Vicky’s one is related to gene mutation RDH12.
Those with LCA will typically go completely blind in their late teens or early twenties. Today a treatment exists only for 1 form of LCA. A lot is needed to make it accessible to patients affected by other LCA genes including Vicky's one.
Research is a concrete hope for us.
In 2018 the first Gene Therapy was approved in the USA and Europe a similar form of LCA (gene RP65). But a lot of work is needed to make this and other possible treatments accessible to Vicky and kids like her.
We are committed to do everything we can to help to find a cure for us and for generations to come. No child deserves a future in the dark.
Through Vicky's Eyes has invested so far over £515,000 to advance research on RDH12 LCA and there are now 2 companies planning a clinical trial for this specific gene in the next couple of years.
Follow us on Facebook page and on Instagram.
With all our love and gratitude,
Through Vicky's Eyes
3 years ago
Through Vicky's Eyes
3 years agoWe are now Eyes on the future. Visit our new charity page, search Eyes on the Future or go to www.justgiving.com/eyesonthefuture or visit our new website : https://eyesonthefuture.org.uk
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3 years ago
Through Vicky's Eyes
3 years agoMassive THANK YOU! 🎉 We achieved more than 50% of our target and we are close to 1,000 donations! Incredible support as always. Never Give Up! ⭐️
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3 years ago
Through Vicky's Eyes
3 years agoThank you to all our supporters! We received so many donations for Vicky's book! All the donations help support the research into LCA RDH12 to help Vicky and kids like her see the world for longer.
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Through Vicky's Eyes started crowdfunding
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Holly Neal
May 20, 2022
May 16, 2022
Mia B
Apr 29, 2022
Hoping that no child has to go through this anymore and we're able to find a cure!
Mar 31, 2022
Giacomo Brizielli
Mar 30, 2022
We are co-workers and friends of Giacomo B. and we know that this cause is important for him, so to tell him good bye, we wanted to participate at our level... the FIG team
Mar 28, 2022
on behalf of Giacomo, donation for this good cause
Mar 23, 2022
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