We did it!
emma noble raised £98 from 30 supporters
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Closed 29/09/2017
Iʼve raised £98 to Hever Primary School have only four classrooms. teachers must contend with two age groups in one room.
- Funded on Friday, 29th September 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
Here at Utilitywise, our Colleagues have nominated Hever Primary School to benifit from September dress down day.
Hever Primary school have only four classrooms. teachers must contend with two age groups in one room. To help provide the children with a better learning environment the school has gained planning permission for 2 further classrooms and are now looking for funding and donations to help achieve the dream of single class teaching.
Updates appear here
emma noble started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Bury St Edmunds Office
Sep 6, 2017
Gary Stubbings (PMF)
Sep 6, 2017
Chesterfield (Donations). Dress down (cash only) - £16.00. Tuck shop - £6.00.
Tom B-Harrison
Sep 5, 2017
Emma Dunne
Sep 5, 2017
Stephen GUEST
Sep 5, 2017
Jodie Wollacott
Sep 5, 2017
Sep 5, 2017
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