We did it!
lauren sandever raised £140 from 6 supporters
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Closed 31/01/2019
Iʼve raised £140 to raise funds to buy trainning equipment for our under 7s longfleet lions.. grassroots football team
- Poole, Dorset, UK
- Funded on Thursday, 31st January 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
hello we are the longfleet under 7s lions.. we all love football and have so much fun playing as a team . But at the moment we don't have any real football goals :( ...which makes practicing for our matches really hard ...it is also really hard for our goalkeeper to train and practice without a actual goal :(
we would also as a team like to buy lots of other equipment to help us develope our skills and confidence and grow as players in the game we love so much .. all our coaches are volunteers and our club is charity run so we hope that you can help us in raising funds to support our team and our on going journey in football and sport.
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lauren sandever started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Steve Randall
Oct 22, 2018
All the best on the boys football journey
Lauren Carns
Oct 21, 2018
Good luck raising the funds guys, you do an amazing job - giving up your free time/weekends to volunteer for our little lions xx
Dawn Treloar
Oct 20, 2018
Hope you hit your target x
Craig Rollinson
Oct 20, 2018
danny cook
Oct 20, 2018
Tommy McCarthy
Oct 20, 2018
All for a great cause, hope Will has better football skills than his Dad. :-)
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