Iʼve raised £45 to Dan & Mazzy of the Travel Trolls TV Youtube channel
- Funded on Thursday, 28th March 2019
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Raising money to help Dan & Mazzy during this difficult time.
Dan & Mazzy host a motorhome travelling YouTube channel, called the Travel Trolls TV. They have a mission to explore Great Britain’s landmarks by randomly deciding which county to visit by spinning a wheel with each county name on.
They were in Staffordshire when a family emergency meant that they have had to delay the grand journey to spend time with Mazzy’s father. Of course, we will like to support Dan & Mazzy through this time difficult time by fundraising for them.
Why do they need fundraising?
They get their income from their YouTube channel, which due to the circumstances has meant that video upload rates are well below the average for this channel. This effects the income that Dan & Mazzy get.
No family should have to struggle financially during such a delicate time, which is why we would like to help Dan & Mazzy, so they can spend priceless time with Mazzy’s father.
Thank you!
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Joe Smith started crowdfunding
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Nov 28, 2018
Nov 28, 2018
Nov 28, 2018
Helping Dan and Mazzy!
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