We did it!
Tracy Kosmalski raised £3,078 from 113 supporters
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Closed 03/05/2018
Iʼve raised £3,078 to help towards paying for a sensory floor at Children A&E at Lister hospital
- Stevenage, United Kingdom
- Funded on Thursday, 3rd May 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
I want to raise as much money as I can to help buy an interactive floor for the children's ward and waiting area at Lister Hospital. Anyone who has unfortunately needed to attend children's A&E will know that fractious and bored children make stressed parents!
The hospital representatives have explained that a sensory floor will keep children entertained and help with the waiting times. The environment for the children is unfamiliar and I have witnessed first-hand how frightening it can be for them.
The Hospital needs help to raise the money for these children and I want to try and help them do it.
I intend to do a TANDEM PARACHUTE JUMP at 13 thousand feet (much to my familys horror, and don't tell my 92 year old Mum! ) PLEASE sponsor me to help the hospital reach their goal.
- 7 years ago
Tracy Kosmalski
7 years agoI DID IT! But felt very sick afterwards, so please feel sorry for me and help me get this up to £3000 before Friday! I've got £200 in cash making this £2753.......Remember its for the children , every pound helps. Stop me in the street even.......THANK YOUI! xxxxx
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- 7 years ago
Tracy Kosmalski
7 years agoI can't thank you all enough. If I've missed a personal thank you, please know how grateful I am. I'm overwhelmed by everyone's generosity. Three sleeps !!!! x
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- 7 years ago
Tracy Kosmalski
7 years agoThank you Gary & Nicky for your support.... all the way from Canada ! xxx
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Tracy Kosmalski started crowdfunding
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Emily Channon
Apr 25, 2018
Another little donation because I so want to see you hit your target for an incredible cause. So impressed with your jump. Love Ems xxx
Dawn Campbell
Apr 25, 2018
Chantal Prince
Apr 24, 2018
Well done Tracy, what a great cause to jump for ❤️ Xx
Sukina Lungay
Apr 24, 2018
Adam Groves
Apr 24, 2018
Simply amazing what youve done and acheived Tracy.... hope to see you soon, love Hannah, Adam and Hugo xxx
Venita Banks
Apr 24, 2018
Well done, Tracy!!
Kate Carroll
Apr 24, 2018
Amazing! Well done. Kate
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Tracy Kosmalski
Stevenage, United Kingdom
I am Company Director of Putterills Estate Agent and a Grandmother of five! One of my grandchildren has had two stays at Lister Hospital and received wonderful care. I want to help by giving something back to them. I'm doing a tandem parachute jump on Sunday 22nd April 2018.