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Bryan & Ross Foley raised £300 from 14 supporters
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Closed 19/05/2017
Iʼve raised £300 to Charleville AFC
- Charleville, Ireland
- Funded on Friday, 19th May 2017
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Bryan and Ross Foley here.
Thank you for looking at our fundraising page.
We are looking to take part in the 'Legends' football match which is to mark the renaming of the Charleville football grounds in honour of Timmy Fitzgerald (better know as "Cove") who sadly passed away in 2015.
The Legends football match consists of ex Charleville players versus ex Irish International players. For us to take part we must raise £500.
We are not just asking for your donations just so some lucky Irish internationals can kick a ball with us ; ) we are going to take part in the Hackney Half Marathon 13.1mile run on the 30th of April so we can properly earn your donation.
The soccer club meant a lot to the both of us growing up in Charleville, it gave us a place to go and have a laugh with our school friends and build friendship with others outside of our 'circle'.
It gave us a place to go to let off some steam and get away from life, it also thought us a lot about life and how to deal with the highs and lows that come with it. It thought us how to work with others, trust in them and with hard work anything can be achieved.
Without Timmy Charleville soccer club would not be what it is today, continually providing boys and girls of all ages with the opportunity to get involved in a team sport they might not have access to at their local towns / villages. Charleville football club gives these kids a choice and an environment to meet others who they normally wouldn't meet and perhaps make fiends for life, like we both have.
If we are able to meet our target it would be a great honour for us to take part in this brilliant day to remember a remarkable man and to give him and the club the credit/funds that they deserve.
Any donation would be greatly appreciated, all proceeds raised will go to Charleville soccer club.
- 8 years ago
Bryan & Ross Foley
8 years agoCrossing the Finish line
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- 8 years ago
Bryan & Ross Foley
8 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 8 years ago
Bryan & Ross Foley
8 years agoRace day has come and gone and what an experience it was. Through out the whole day both sides of the road were continually lined with people clapping and encouraging us. It was great to see support like this from total strangers, they were doing everything they could for us, handing out sweets and playing music through their own speakers. We finished it together, even suffering with an illness and Ross sizzling in the sunshine we crossed the line after 2hrs 1min 12sec. Thank you so much for your support we really do appreciate it.
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Daniel Thomas-Keeping
May 7, 2017
One down one to go..... good luck mate!
Ian Pengelly
May 2, 2017
Best of luck gents with the runs and the matches!
Apr 30, 2017
Well done . Love Mam xx
Shaunagh Foley
Apr 28, 2017
Best of luck Daddy and Uncle Bryan lots of love from the Foley Girls xx
Glen Henderson
Apr 28, 2017
Good luck guys
Marie O'connor
Apr 26, 2017
Good luck boys
Apr 25, 2017
Good luck guys! Ross I'm confident you could run a whole marathon (you'll ace a half) and do it comfortably xx
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