We did it!
Kari Louise Culver raised £320 from 3 supporters
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Closed 25/10/2018
- Bournemouth, United Kingdom
- Funded on Thursday, 25th October 2018
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This funding project is to give life back into the delapidated Throop Mill in Bournemouth. It remains unloved, untouched, waiting to have an energy and life injected into it.
This funding will enable us as a community to buy and renovate Throop Mill in Bournemouth for the local area and as a community to get involved with as a project. The idea is to maintain all the historical features within the Mill itself, to renovate the whole building inside and out, and improve the surrounding grounds. Make it safe for people to visit. To create an education centre, provide a tea room for refreshment to thr local visitors, walkers and cyclists. This project will be entirely funded BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE and local community. To educate visitors on the history of The Mill. It is in a perfect pictureresque location which would be ideal for an education centre and tea room, which is very popular with the local community. It would generate interest and international visitors to the area.
it deserves to be loved and livened up.
Thank you everyone!
- 7 years ago
Kari Louise Culver
7 years agoVery excited as I shall be having a conversation with Mr Paul Haygate himself on Monday! Watch this space!
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Jane Kelly
Nov 3, 2017
Good luck with this, I hope it gets the support it deserves.
Alexandra Thrift
Oct 31, 2017
Stephen Dickinson
Oct 28, 2017
I hope this is the first of many.
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