We did it!
Rachel Duffield raised £836 from 45 supporters
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Closed 20/11/2020
Iʼve raised £836 to Thirsk Homeless Organisation https://www.facebook.com/Thirsk-Homeless-organisation-2247040702004513/
- Funded on Friday, 20th November 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
“Sleep out to help out”
A night under the stars to raise awareness for our streets friends in our own bubbles!!
As you are all aware we had to postpone our sleep out earlier this year which we have a fund raising page for and many of you donated we have so far raised over £500 but we haven’t been able to rearrange due to the current climate , so we have formed an idea which we hope you will like and join in on .....
On Friday 6th of November grab a sleeping bag and your family and sleep out in your garden
1 night - under the stars ( even if you only manage a few hours )
1 night - a group of us looking at the same sky to help raise awareness and money for those who sleep rough every night and have for many years!
1 night - to share with family no electrics just each other to keep warm and occupied.
1 night 1 group 1 aim
🖤together we can make a difference 🖤
Please share pictures on our page and feel free to share the link for the funding raising page https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/thirskhomelessorg?utm_term=XbwQrqA56
The orginal details below .......
🖤Together we can make a difference 🖤
A few of us are teaming together to do a “ sleep out “ on the 13th of march on the streets of york to raise awareness for the ever increasing issue of homelessness and rough sleeping.... the funds raised will be used to provide essentials for those that need them,including sleeping bags and food. Thirsk Homeless Organisation is a non profit organisation that runs solely on donations and anything that anybody can donate is completely Appreciated not only by the organisation but by those in need.
- 5 years ago
Rachel Duffield
5 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Rachel Duffield started crowdfunding
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Mummmy Cat
Nov 10, 2020
Well done Tania, Isla and Joseph, I’m so so proud of you all, well done xxx
Nov 9, 2020
Well done Tania and fam
Vicky Mackerell & Alex
Nov 8, 2020
Well done guys
Emma G
Nov 8, 2020
Well done Tan and the kids!! X
Andrew Evans
Nov 8, 2020
Theo Evans would like to donate this towards items to help the homeless :)
Nov 8, 2020
Well Done Tania & kids, what a fab thing to do xx
Pam and Andy
Nov 7, 2020
It was a cold night Sarah... so well done both of you. Sleep well tonight in the warm, such a good cause xx
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