We did it!
Joanna Corfield raised £50 from 4 supporters
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Closed 01/11/2018
Iʼve raised £50 to help the horses who saved me from a lifetime of Anorexia/Bulimia. Give the gift of optimum health to horses in service to humans.
- Carmarthen, UK
- Funded on Thursday, 1st November 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
One by one each and every one of these 18 horses and ponies have worked their magic, not only on myself but on a huge number of people struggling with trauma related mental health problems. With their very individual qualities, energy and personalities they all contribute, reflect and heal in their own unique and powerful way.
The Hopethruhorses herd is asking for your help, everyone’s help, all the help they can get. The gift of Optimum health is the greatest gift we can give any animal, especially those in service to humans. That gift involves every aspect of their emotional, physical and psychological well being. Every penny we raise goes into reaching and maintaining the optimum health and happiness of this exceptional herd of experienced and specialist horses.
To keep a horse properly healthy costs an absolute minimum of £10.00 a day.
Teeth, hooves, health feed and supplements, worming, osteopath, land rent, vets, hay, rugs, etc.
We have 18 horses and ponies who have all given their lives in service to troubled people in need of their help.
A message from the Herd
''In the wild our feet would be worn down by stones and rocks, we would cover huge areas so our self-medicating and herb rich grazing would never become soiled. We would have plenty of exercise and eat all the right things to wear down our teeth and keep us healthy. When our wild ancestors grew old or sick they died or fell prey to predators, only the strongest survived.
In the care of humans we hand over our power. Our natural ability to remain healthy is taken out of our control. This can be terrifying. Sometimes we suffer in silence because no-one is listening to our cries of pain. Occasionally we get punished for being in agony, we come across as misbehaving. We react to a bit that’s hitting a painful tooth and get pulled harder in the mouth, or maybe we put in a buck under a saddle that’s crippling our back and get whipped for being naughty, we might have a headache and be unable to concentrate and get told we are lazy. We ask you to listen, check us all over and try and understand our language as we try and understand yours.
All we want is to feel physically well, comfortable, and pain free. For our emotional health we ask for freedom, the freedom to release stress and be a ‘horse’, as that is what we are. We long for loving companionship, not just anyone, another horse or horses and to know we are heard, seen and cared for unconditionally and without agenda. Psychologically, just like a human we thrive on having purpose and stimulation, we are extremely intelligent creatures''
To give them that gift, they need money. The more money they receive the more we can do for them and give them. We want only the very very best for each and every one of them
The herd wants and needs the expertise of some exceptional specialists. The more money we can raise the more we can give them.
The farrier is needed every eight weeks to keep the feet in perfect condition and balance, balanced feet prevents damage to the physical structure of the entire body. The Cranial Osteopath is vital, to rebalance the physical body, under the healthy, free moving body structure lies a free and contented mind. Regular visits from the dentist ensures a healthy digestive system. Without dentistry, the chewing mechanism malfunctions, food is poorly digested and the glands within the mouth stop producing essential digestive juices. An unhealthy mouth leads to a very unhealthy gut. The best possible nutrition is paramount for good health. Every horse requires a unique blend of premium nutrients, depending on age and condition, specialists in nutrition work magic on changing the entire horse. The Hopethruhorses herd deserves the highest quality of care. Their glowing health and happiness can be seen reflected in their healing ability with the people who come for their help.
The Hopethruhorses Herd are an established and bonded group of horses and ponies, many of whom have been together for as long as 17 years. They are made up of family groups, horses who have suffered at the hands of cruelty and neglect and many who have never known love. They deserve so much more.
They give so much to so many.
Our objective -
Our aim is to protect and honour the balance and quality of the herd. We want them to reach optimum health in mind, body and soul by keeping them as free and natural as is logistically possible. We aim to maintain their optimum health with exceptional care and the help of a team of experienced specialists.
Our objective is to create an environment that nurtures a healthy culture of compassion and deep understanding for both horses and humans. Our intention is to give humans and horses the possibility of reaching their own personal point of optimal psychological, emotional and physical health.
www.hopethruhor ses.com
![Joanna Corfield](https://images.justgiving.com/image/83674b80-72f2-4f0b-b851-0a9ad3e934a1.jpg?template=CrowdfundingOwnerAvatar)
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Joanna Corfield started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Florence Barkway
Sep 5, 2018
Your horses are all amazing and deserve all the care they can get! Good luck with the rest of the funding!
Eva Ospina
Sep 4, 2018
We're all praying that you'll double this amount! What you do Jo,for these horses and people is amazing! Love from us all!
Martyn Griffiths
Aug 29, 2018
Aug 29, 2018
Wish I had more to give ....
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![Joanna Corfield](https://images.justgiving.com/image/83674b80-72f2-4f0b-b851-0a9ad3e934a1.jpg?template=CrowdfundingOwnerAvatar)
Joanna Corfield
Carmarthen, UK
The healing power of the hopethruhorses herd is remarkable. I and many others, owe them our lives. Without them, my beloved Bronwen especially, I would be completely isolated, living with intolerable levels of fear and battling with anorexia/bulimia.