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Closed 31/12/2019
Iʼve raised £0 to purchase the historical The Don Sawmill House and save it from being demolished
- Sheffield
- Closed on Tuesday, 31st December 2019
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We are raising to help fund the purchase & restoration of The Don Sawmill located on Savile Street, Sheffield.
When listed grade II in 1995 the Don Sawmill was a good example of a steam driven sawmill of the mid to late 19th century: relatively complete in its layout and legible in its historic function. Today, in 2019, almost 25 years on, what remains from the neglected Don Sawmill is an eye-soring and danger to health building which provides no benefit to the local community, no historic function or present value. The Don Sawmill no longer has a roof. Having accessed the internal building personally at my own health & safety expense, I can also confirm that there is no safe access into the building and around the building from the inside. The front openings on the ground floors leads directly onto timber floors which can be seen to be saturated and decayed by rot. The roof timber has collapsed over a significant length in the central section of the main room above the second floor bringing down much of the wall on the river elevation.
We the community would definitely love to see life being put back into this important piece of historical architecture and re-purpose the site for the benefit of the local community and future generations to come while appreciating its historical beauty.

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