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The African Concert Series London raised £538 from 13 supporters
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Closed 01/08/2021
Iʼve raised £538 to The African Concert Series London 2021!
- London, UK
- Funded on Sunday, 1st August 2021
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World’s first ever African Concert Series was founded in London in 2019 and featured 10 monthly concerts of music by African classical composers. Described by the BBC World Service as “the African Art Music makes a comeback”, the programme of the series reflected the depth and diversity of African Art Music - the richly diverse genre of music which forms a bridge between Western classical music and African traditional music.
"Bringing African classical music to the Western audience was right from the start an endeavour meant to unravel the cultural diversity of the African continent, reflected in its music, and to create a platform for the African classical music to be performed. Africa is very colourful - each country in Africa has a multitude of ethnic groups and each ethnic group has a music of its own, with characteristic melodies and rhythms -, quality which I have tried to emphasise in the programmes of The African Concert Series, through individually themed concerts: Nigerian Odyssey, The South African Double Bass, String Quartets by African Composers, Arabesque: Piano music from North Africa and the Arab world, and many more. Each artist that performs in the series is a pioneer of his own land. Knowing your roots, your heritage and culture, helps you know who you are - and it's powerful! Africa must write its own history and this is what we are doing at The African Concert Series London!" (Rebeca Omordia, founder)
- The African Concert Series London fosters education across cultures, it is a place where everyone, adults and children, can learn about the African culture through its music
- The African Concert Series London is a place that removes social barriers of taking part in classical music activities; a place that inspires musicians to explore their heritage; a place that shapes the way we see classical music
- The African Concert Series London is a place where African communities come together to celebrate their heritage and introduces classical music to African communities through a language they understand
- Rebeca Omordia discusses on BBC World Service about the effect the Colonialism has had on the African culture and the importance of exploring and preserving the Cultural Heritage.
- Rebeca discusses on BBC World News TV (see interview below) the impact the series has had on a cultural level during difficult social and racial times and its position regarding the Black Lives Matter Movement - a message of love and inclusion.
While the 2019 series was self-funded and Rebeca Omordia took a £10.000 personal loan to finish the 2019 series, the 2020 series was possible due to the support of the artists involved, The African Concert Series London needs help in order to continue its pioneering work in 2021.
Overview of the 2019 African Concert Series.
- 5 years ago
The African Concert Series London
5 years agoThe African Concert Series London has already reached 1% of their target for the 2021 series! Thank you so much for your generous support! You can watch excerpts of the 2019 series and the complete 2020 series on YouTube! With thanks and best wishes, Rebeca Omordia The African Concert Series London
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Peter Hodgkiss
Apr 5, 2021
Just heard a couple of short clips. Unexpected and delightful...
Mar 5, 2021
From Musicology and Ethnomusicology Student Association at UGA
Mar 1, 2021
Jul 28, 2020
Look forward to the 2021 live series!
Jul 22, 2020
Jul 15, 2020
Jul 14, 2020
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The African Concert Series London
London, UK
The African Concert Series London was founded in 2019 by London based award-winning Nigerian-Romanian pianist Rebeca Omordia, great "pioneer of African classical music" (BBC World Service), with the purpose of bringing African Art Music to the Western world. www.rebecaomordia.com