We did it!
Kerry Callard raised £560 from 54 supporters
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Closed 18/08/2020
Iʼve raised £560 to Help fund lisa clark and moo music!
- Funded on Tuesday, 18th August 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
So, as a mum and an onlooker I just think this incredible woman needs and deserves some recognition for the work she does for the community.
Not just for babies, children, parents but also the older generation with the intergenerational sessions she was running to help the mental health of the elderly prior to covid.
Lisa has gone above and beyond to keep her business afloat so parents and children have something to go back too.
That her staff are looked after & new parents have an outlet to come to once this craziness is over.
Not forgetting her awesome poem describing the madness of covid in a way children will understand.
Like many businesses she has created online classes, for donations only.
She has also arranged home visits with a giant pink cow by her side.
But,most importantly, her current fight to get the baby & toddler groups back on whilst everything else opens around us.
Being the voice for many baby groups in the area, and raising awareness of the detrimental effect lockdown can & has had for parents & mums struggling with post natal depression.
None of this for financial gain, but because she cares & has a heart of gold. She is genuinely concerned for the well being of those who visit moo music.
Speaking with other mums, we think for a bit of well deserved recognition, we'd set up a just giving page to try and give back some of what we & our children get from the moo Community she has created.
If 500 people gave just £1 that is a great amount for a very deserving lady who has worked tirelessly to get us all back to the meadow.
Let's show Lisa our support & thanks for all she has done & is still doing.
- 4 years ago
Kerry Callard
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Kerry Callard started crowdfunding
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Rachel Graddon
Aug 18, 2020
Harry parkes
Aug 18, 2020
Lisa you are incredible!
Emily Booker
Aug 17, 2020
We have loved moo music, I would attend with my son and also take my niece. I can’t wait to come back ASAP!!
Andrea Atkins
Aug 15, 2020
Great idea Kerry to set up this pay and acknowledge Lisa's hard work and dedication to getting the Moo Music Cafe back open. We can't wait to attend our first session!
Aug 14, 2020
Thank you Lisa for all you've done for us parents during lockdown.
Jo Thorne
Aug 14, 2020
We are avid Moo music goers and wouldn’t want to see it stop or all of Lisa’s hard work go to waste. We would absolutely love to donate and hopefully start coming again when we can and it’s safe.
Aug 14, 2020
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