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Closed 06/03/2024

raised of £648 target by 0 supporters

    Weʼve raised £0 to rent arrears prevent me moving forward to permanent accommodation,

    Closed on Wednesday, 6th March 2024

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Hi there ,
    I will try not to bore you and give you a quick but detailed version of events that have left in my current position and struggle, a few yes back I suffered a mental breakdown and I was living on the streets of east London for a number of years 3 years to be exact, in 2020 I became friends with a man who was responsible for saving my life !! He got me all the help I needed as I wasn't able to help myself, I was placed in temporary accommodation in 2020 and till this day I am still in the same accommodation, now I have been bidding on permanent accommodation and last week was contacted in regards to a property I bid on , then 2 days later I was told I am in rent arrears there for unable to get shortlisted for any properties I may be eligible for, I have been paying my service charges religiously and on top extra for the arrears yet still i can not lower the arrears quick enough I have 1 month left in my current accommodation so if I am still in arrears at the end of this tenancy I am prevented from receiving permanent accommodation therefore I will be on the streets again , I am a 42 yr old female just getting back on my feet , any help would be appreciated to an amount I can't describe , thankyou for your time . Xx



    Teri  Furness

    Updates appear here

      8 months ago

      Teri Furness started crowdfunding

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      Page last updated on: 11/7/2023 02.56



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        Teri Furness

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