We did it!
Terence May raised £700 from 17 supporters
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Closed 10/01/2019
Iʼve raised £700 to Fund Security and a CCTV system for St. Mary's (Walton) Church, Walton.
- Liverpool, UK
- Funded on Thursday, 10th January 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
We are trying to stop further theft from the church roof & grounds by installing a high tech camera & alarm system. This was following a recent theft from the church which involved in over 160m2 of Copper being stolen from the roof of the church.
The church was destroyed by the German Luftwaffe in the may blitz of 1941 & reopened in 1953. The church also houses ancient relics such a Saxon cross which is over 1200 years old & the font is thought to be over 1000 years old.
Hopefully, further CCTV systems will act as a deterrent to anyone hoping to carry out further thefts from the building and the grounds.
Any donations would be massively appreciated, thanks.
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Terence May started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Oct 27, 2018
Michael Symington
Oct 11, 2018
Best wishes on reaching the target.
Oct 6, 2018
Doreen Vose
Sep 27, 2018
Keep up the good work Trevor..The community of Walton are lovely people no matter what others say
Thomas McKenzie
Sep 21, 2018
Sep 19, 2018
Put in on behalf of anonymous donor
Sep 19, 2018
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