We did it!
Jacqueline Bowen raised £3,170 from 119 supporters
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Closed 07/05/2021
Iʼve raised £3,170 to support our families and students with emergency food parcels
- Funded on Friday, 7th May 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
The East Manchester Academy is a large secondary school serving a vibrant and diverse community. During the COVID19 pandemic we have supported our families in every way we can. This has included distributing thousands of work packs, loaning electronic equipment, sourcing support from charities, providing counselling and completing thousands of home visits.
We have seen first hand the impact of lockdowns and restrictions over recent months as many of our community have lost their sources of income and faced significant financial hardship. Many of our children have experienced significant difficulties. During the first lockdown we established a foodbank to provide support and vital ingredients for our children and families. Over the summer, we raised thousands to support our families as we welcomed children back to school in September. The funds we raised supported 500 children in a time of very significant need and would like to contue providing support to our families who may continue to face difficulties as a result of the new lockdown restrictions.
We want to ensure that no child and no members of our community go hungry. We will continue to provide free schools meals but with your help, we know we can do so very much more.
Every donation will help support our children and families in their time of need and allow us to continue to provide these vital resources for all who need them. Your help and support will make a very real difference. On behalf of our staff, students and community, thank you for your continued kindness and generosity.
- 4 years ago
Jacqueline Bowen
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Jacqueline Bowen started crowdfunding
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Feb 16, 2021
Love from Edie xx
Tony & Kate
Jan 29, 2021
Joey Beswick
Jan 28, 2021
Jan 26, 2021
Phil Beswick
Jan 26, 2021
Well done to everyone at TEMA for supporting the local community
Jan 21, 2021
Good work, well done
Irene Ashley
Jan 20, 2021
Thank goodness for a caring community. It's so important just to be kind.
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