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David Hunt raised £260 from 11 supporters
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Closed 25/03/2018
Iʼve raised £260 to Help to fund a Club House for Swanley Rangers FC
- Swanley, United Kingdom
- Funded on Sunday, 25th March 2018
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Swanley Rangers FC are a small family friendly grassroots football club created in May'2016. We started with just 2 teams and within 18 months we have rapidly grown to 7 teams ranging from 6 years - 17 Years old.
Our Under 16's and Under 9 won there leagues with out other teams having successful seasons playing football the right way. We cater for boys and girls of all standards and abilities.
The Club are looking to purchase a converted portable container so the club have a base to meet ,also to show case the childrens achievments and for the club to socialise from.
- 7 years ago
David Hunt
7 years agoVery good start everyone . Thanks
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David Hunt started crowdfunding
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David Hunt
Nov 30, 2017
Thank you everyone for giving
Luca, Roberta & Liam
Nov 28, 2017
Happy to support such a great project!
Nov 27, 2017
Something every football club needs and this clubs deserves it.
David Wilson
Nov 27, 2017
Chris Wilson
Nov 26, 2017
A fantastic family run club. Sam loves it!
LLowes Frost
Nov 26, 2017
Good luck
Louise Moore
Nov 26, 2017
Teddy has really built he's confidence since starting Swanley rangers and built good friendships with he's team. Very worthy cause.
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