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Susan McCormack raised £30 from 1 supporter
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Closed 28/08/2019
Iʼve raised £30 to Music and Creative Hub for Young People with Mental Health Problems: motivating, impactful space to help behavior and self-improvement.
- Bredbury, Stockport, UK
- Funded on Wednesday, 28th August 2019
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Mode Rehabilitation: The Music and Creative Hub
Subtitle 1: Help Fund a Music and Creative Hub for Young People with Mental Health Problems
Subtitle 2: Charity Mode Rehabilitation is creating a motivating, impactful, and supportive creative space to help each and every young person work on behavior and self-improvement.
Help Mode Rehabilitation build a community Music and Creative Hub for young people struggling from mental health problems. The hub will host small group arts and media workshops that help individuals released from prison, addicts, and other troubled peoples come together and work on self-improvement, positivity, and motivation through hands-on, creative workshops and support. Managed by ex military personnel, the Music and Creative Hub team will help young people overcome barriers and rebuild a sense of purpose in their life.
On any given week 53,000 UK youths are held in facilities, prisons, or juvenile confinements as a result of their actions. In the year ending March 2017, there were around 74,800 arrests of children and young people (aged 10 – 17) for notifiable offences. Given that 76% of inmates end up back in jail within 5-years of release, these young prisoners are staring down a life of repeat offenses and jailing, without any intervention to stop the cycle.
Furthermore, close to 40% of teens that have their first drink at age 13 or 14 will end up developing alcoholism dependency and problems down the line.
Lastly, teens are more depressed than ever before in history today, with more than 20% likely to develop lifelong depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.
The problems for young people start early, and if there is no community resource to intervene, these problems turn into lethal addictions, criminal records, depression medications and suicide threats, and a life of mental distress and trauma. These young people need somewhere to turn, and that’s exactly what we are offering with the Music and Creative Hub.
What is the Music and Creative Hub?
This hub will be a high-energy motivational support center that will promote innovative thinking, positivity, and support through leveraging music, media, and arts. Managed by a team of ex-military personnel that have firsthand experience with mental trauma, together, the hub will showcase the tagline “let’s do it together.”
Features of the Hub
• Small Group Workshops: Geared specifically towards those coming off of drugs/alcohol, as well as those released from prison, these small group workshops will contain curriculum that focus on skills, mindsets, motivation, drive, and determination to succeed.
• Arts-Based Lens: We will use the arts as a way to mentor these young people, as opposed to textbooks, lectures, and other ineffective means of education.
• Military Veteran Support: Our team is comprised of musicians and veterans that know the reality of addictive behavior and mental disorders. They will be working hands on with the young people every single day.
• Creative Space: The hub will be a creative space that is open and accessible to everyone. It will be a safe environment where they can escape persecution and negativity.
Our Goal
We can’t make our dream a reality without your help. You have the opportunity to do something incredible today and really make an impact. Here are our reach goals:
Initial Reach: £70,000 to fund the creation of the Music and Creative Hub in Bredbury Stockport
3-Year Reach: £500,000 to provide 3-years of support, teaching, etc. within the hub for people in need.
Please Help Mode reduce the levels of crime experienced by children and young people aged 10 – 17. As shown in the Office for National Statistics Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW), there were an estimated 5.9 million instances of crime against households and resident adults (counted here as those aged 16 and over) in England and Wales for the year ending March 2017
If you can’t back this campaign, consider spreading on the word on social media. Young people need your help.
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Susan McCormack started crowdfunding
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Apr 30, 2019
Keep up the good work, a very worthy cause!
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Susan McCormack
Bredbury, Stockport, UK
Our Goal We can’t make our dream a reality without your help. You have the opportunity to do something incredible today and really make an impact. Here are our reach goals: Initial Reach: £70,000 to fund the creation of the Music and Creative Hub in Bredbury, Stockport.