We did it!
Kelsey McDonald raised £3,600 from 37 supporters
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Closed 28/11/2020
Iʼve raised £3,600 to help make the Surgical ward bright and colourful and more child friendly. To achieve this we need your help, let’s make Surgical vibrant
- Aberdeen
- Funded on Saturday, 28th November 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
As some you are aware our target is £2000 but we managed to reach this on the previous just giving page so our current total is £2953!! But we are continuing to fund raise.
We are group of staff that work within the Surgical Ward at Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital and are looking for your help !
We are currently trying to raise money to make the ward bright, colourful and an enjoyable place to be for the children and their families. The walls are plain and the curtains are boring, we have limited comfortable chairs for the patients to sit on and parents to rest on overnight.
So what are we doing you say.....?? We made a ward song to promote the changes we would like to achieve and we have managed to convince some staff to not only walk one but all four Kilt Walks (Aberdeen, Glasgow, Dundee and Edinburgh) to show how passionate we are about making the ward work to its full potential.
Please help us make the Surgical Ward the child friendly environment it should be.
- 6 years ago
Kelsey McDonald
6 years agoThis is the same just giving page as before for the Surgical ward but they can only keep the page open for so long, they are unable to transfer our total from the previous page but we are at £2957, which is Amazing, we can’t thank you enough. We are keeping gonig wlth fund raising and currently having a cake and Christmas fair at the hospital. Thank you again for all your support
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Kelsey McDonald started crowdfunding
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Louise Daun
Dec 23, 2019
Donation in lieu of sending Christmas cards, our niece has received outstanding care over the last eighteen months.
Cammy Garden
Dec 23, 2019
Thank you all so much for the care you gave Andrew. Can’t thank you all enough. Xxx
Cheryl Horne
Dec 23, 2019
Surgical ward is such a great ward the nurses are so good with the kids and it’s a very relaxed environment with friendly faces all around to help
Alison Craigmile
Dec 13, 2019
Donation in lieu of sending Christmas Cards this year.Thank you for the wonderful care Katy has received x
Nov 18, 2019
Thank you for the amazing care you gave us and our family whilst in the ward. We really appreciate it. You are very special people.
Apr 18, 2019
So pleased to see that you are getting so much well deserved support! Congratulations on your amazing success so far! Love Laura
Steven Duncan
Mar 17, 2019
Well done, you all do a great job. A wee thanks for looking after your recent patient Archie Duncan
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