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Rimika Solloway raised £3,456 from 93 supporters
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Closed 08/05/2021
Iʼve raised £3,456 to Help change the outdated rape laws in Japan by supporting Shiori
- London
- Funded on Saturday, 8th May 2021
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Journalist Shiori Ito was raped by a more senior member of her profession, as determined by the Civil Court in Tokyo on December 18, 2019.
Her treatment during the police investigation caused her much distress. For example, she was made to re-enact the rape with a blow-up doll in front of male police officers; there were no female police officers available. She is now campaigning to update the century old Japanese law on rape, to change police procedures, and to try to alter Japanese society’s perception of rape, which often blames the victim and not the perpetrator. Telling victims to not make a fuss, or shame will be brought to them and their family. Due to this lack of support victims suffer mental health problems and are afraid to speak out.
The senior journalist who raped her is now also bringing a lawsuit against Shiori accusing her of lying. A prominent cartoonist has also libelled Shiori, and Shiori has to pursue a court case against her.
Shiori urgently needs our money and support to continue fighting her cases.
Court proceedings in Japan are very expensive and bringing people to justice is costing Shiori both emotional and financial labour.
Shiori Ito is a symbolic figure for Women’s Rights in Japan. Her public rape case is the first of its kind seen in the country and has started a long overdue conversation in the nation about attitudes towards women. Your donations will aid her campaign, to make the attitude of Japanese society towards victims of rape fairer.
*** If you support this cause then please also sign this petition to amend the outdated rape and consent laws in Japan ***
ジャーナリストの伊藤詩織さんが、同業の先輩にレイプされました 。これは2019年12月17日東京都内の民事裁判で確定しました。
詩織さんをレイプした先輩記者は、今、詩織さんの嘘を告発して訴訟を起こしています。著名な漫画家も詩織さんを誹謗しており 、詩織さんはこの漫画家に対しても裁判を起こさなければなりませんでした。
*** 詩織さんを応援されるのであれば、こちらにも 署名をお願いします。***
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3 years ago
Rimika Solloway
3 years agoShiori Ito wins court case! To all the supporters who helped Shiori Ito fight her legal battles in Japan, there has been some good developments. The Japanese court ruled in favour of her rape case this week. The judge concluded that Shiori had been a victim of rape as the sex was non-consensual. This is such a step forward for the Japanese justice system and we are proud of Shiori for not giving up the fight. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/01/25/national/crime-legal/shiori-ito-awarded-damages-rape-case/
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4 years ago
Rimika Solloway
4 years agoShiori Ito speaks (in English) to Asia Today about Japan’s #WeToo Movement, the Olympics sexism row, and how important it is to teach people about sexual consent. Link below. We want to thank you for your continued support. 伊藤詩織さんは日本の#WeToo運動、オリンピックの性差別問題、そして性的同意について教えることの必要性について、アジアトゥデイ(Asia Today)に語っています(英語)。 日頃のご愛顧に心から感謝申し上げます。 https://asiasociety.org/blog/asia/asia-depth-podcast-face-japans-metoo-movement
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4 years ago
Rimika Solloway
4 years agoWe’ve continued to campaign. Please watch our recent interview with the Japanese News Op-Ed channel (English subtitles available). キャンペーンを続けています。ニューズ·オプエドの最近のインタビューをご覧ください。
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I wish you strength and hope we can bring justice.
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Rimika Solloway
I live in London and am part of a Japanese focussed women's rights group. I'm also a friend of Shiori Ito and supported her through difficult times. I hope her bravery and campaigning will change the lives of rape victims in Japan for the better. 性被害の法制度改革に尽力している詩織さんを応援しませんか。