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Suffolk Swords raised £1,906.02 from 92 supporters
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Closed 31/08/2023
Iʼve raised £1,906 to install three new bleed control kits in Ipswich
- Ipswich, Suffolk, UK
- Funded on Thursday, 31st August 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
We have managed to make our 3 box target on the day of the run!
Yes, we did complete the course and photos will be going up on Facebook.
PLEASE keep giving if you can though, we want to see how far we go and all money raised now will go towards the charity if it reaches a 4th box or not.

The Ipswich based charity 'Be Lucky Anti Crime Foundation' (Charity number: 1183871) is aiming to install more bleed control kits in Ipswich and the wider Suffolk region. These boxes contain instructions and emergency items, such as bandages and specialised dressings, for situations where serious bleeding has occurred, for example, car accidents, falls or physical assaults.

On May 7th, a local group of 15th Century reenactors called the Suffolk Swords are doing a 5k park run in armour to sponsor the installation of one of the boxes to help the local community.
What makes this harder than a normal 5k run?
The maximum weight of a full suit of armour can be anything up to 5 stone (32kg) and can limit movement. Not to mention the thick quilted padding to stop it from smashing into your body. The heat and weight will make this an endurance event as much as a distance run.
Why are we doing it?
As a group that trains with swords and has an understanding of bladed combat, we are aware of the kind of injuries that can happen so wanted to support this charity.

When are we doing it?
We are currently set for 9am on the 7th of May. Please sign up, come along or just share this to help us, to help them and the wider Suffolk community.

Sign up and join us here: https://suffolkswords.co.uk/blade-runners/
More information about the Be Lucky Anti Crime Foundation.
More information about the Suffolk Swords.
Well, we hit our target quickly so we are adding a stretch goal, we want to make it two boxes.
OK, let's make it three then. You're all doing so well supporting us we need to keep raising the amount.
2 years ago
Suffolk Swords
2 years agoRegistration is now open to take part in the run even if you don't have armour. We want as many people to come along and take part as we clank our way around the 5km course. If this sounds interesting to you or you just want to come along and watch us, you can find more information on our website. https://suffolkswords.co.uk/blade-runners/
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2 years ago
Suffolk Swords
2 years agoThank you to everyone who has helped push us over the 75% mark. When we first planned this fundraiser, we honestly thought we would struggle to reach our original target of £550 and have been blown away by the support so far. If we do... No... WHEN we do reach £1100 we need to think about either raising the target again, or keeping it as it is. But that is a problem for another day. Again, thank you to everyone who has donated, shared or even just come to read this page. We appreciate all the support that we get.
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2 years ago
Suffolk Swords
2 years agoThanks to everyone who has helped so far. We're raising our target to two boxes now. We think this is very achievable as we have several months before we do the run. Please keep sharing and let's smash this new target.
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Suffolk Swords started crowdfunding
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May 29, 2023
Suffolk Swords
May 15, 2023
Final donations from the race
Davw Cameron
May 15, 2023
Keep up the Fantastic work Knights!
Jon Durant
May 9, 2023
Great cause, well done!
Andy M
May 9, 2023
Well done all. Excellent effort!
White Dragon Activity Centre
May 9, 2023
Well done, brave knights! Won’t help you outrun our arrows though. ;)
May 9, 2023
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