We did it!
Sue Lane raised £760 from 40 supporters
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Closed 21/11/2016
Iʼve raised £760 to Help a fellow caravan owner on Parkdean Resorts Hayling Island, that lost everything last night in a fire
- Hayling Island, United Kingdom
- Funded on Monday, 21st November 2016
Don't have time to donate right now?
Hello everyone we are trying to get a small amount of funding to help the Bachelor family that lost their caravan in a terrible fire last night at Hayling Parkdean. Obviously insurance will help eventually, but we need to look at funding that will help the family immediately, ie the whole family lost personal possessions, but in particular the little boy lost his toys and tablet. The family have an injured grandfather in hospital, who fractured his back escaping the fire through a window. It would be nice, if we can help with these travel costs and a few pounds to cheer the family up during this horrendous period.
Updates appear here
Sue Lane started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Nov 11, 2016
We love you lots mum and wish we were down there with you. We are here for you anytime. All our love from Clare and Mark xxxxx
Clare Delatouche
Nov 11, 2016
We love you so much mum and wish we were down there with you. We are here for you anytime. Lots of love from Clare and Mark xxxxx
Clare Delatouche
Nov 11, 2016
I love you nana. I hope this money helps. Please don't cry. We will all help you. Love from Alfie xxxxx
Nov 11, 2016
From Nic and Deborah, Y12
pauline Cooper and nigelcooper
Nov 10, 2016
Get well soon Brian Love and best wishes to you allSooty and Sue T2
Sam-Av Busby
Nov 10, 2016
Thinking of you all xx F18
Janet Nairn
Nov 8, 2016
What ever that can be done Sue to support this poor family count me in
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