We did it!
Stuart Clark raised £1,123 from 58 supporters
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Closed 30/05/2019
Iʼve raised £1,123 to Help The Edith Borthwick School
- Halstead, Essex
- Funded on Thursday, 30th May 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
I'm running the 2019 London Marathon to raise money for the Friends of Edith Borthwick Special School in Braintree. My son, Dom, has been at the school since the age of 4, he is now 17. The money will help the school purchase specialist equipment for the more disabled children, also, help fund trips/days out.
- 6 years ago
Stuart Clark
6 years agoUpdate.......Well, it's done! It took me a tad over 5 hours, and this morning I can hardly walk, but what a great day. The crowds around the whole course were fantastic. It looks like I have raised just under £3,000 for the Edith Borthwick School, which helps ease the pain of my aching muscles! Thank you all so much for your generosity towards such a great cause. All the best Stuart
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May 20, 2019
Last bit of sponsor money I've been given - might be some more coming from school, not sure.
Lisa Reed
May 2, 2019
Well Done! Thank you for raising money to support our daughters school.
May 2, 2019
Well done!
Kylie Fannon
May 1, 2019
Thank you Stuart for doing this for our son's school - you are amazing!
Gina Moss
May 1, 2019
Well done Stuart! :)
Apr 29, 2019
Fantastic achievement, well done, Edith Borthwick is incredible and they have done so much good for our Son
Apr 29, 2019
Well done mate
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