We did it!
Debbie Howard raised £3,500 from 165 supporters
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Closed 27/11/2016
Iʼve raised £3,500 to release Still Loved into cinemas. We have reached our target now but please still donate so we can make the film more widely available.
- Sheffield, United Kingdom
- Funded on Sunday, 27th November 2016
Don't have time to donate right now?
We've spent 4 years making this beautiful, sensitive documentary which shows how families survive the loss of a baby. It's a powerful, compelling film which will resonate with anyone who ever has, or ever will lose someone they love.
We have had 3 preview screenings of the film and it was met with an overwhelming response.
“If you see one documentary in the next 12 months - make it this one. An insightful, visceral, honest & moving account of how parents deal with stillbirth. Feel like I have learnt so much tonight about this subject and more on complexities of bereavement. A mighty achievement.”
“An intelligent, thoughtful and beautifully human film.”
“Such an informative, brave & honest film that touched me deeply.”
We want to bring the film to cinemas around the UK so that audiences have a chance to see the film together on a big screen. It's been beautifully shot and edited with fantastic sound design and original score. It deserves to be seen in a theatrical setting. We will also bring our panel of filmmakers and baby loss experts along for a Q&A after the screening.
1 in 4 pregnancies ends in a loss. The film is being released in October for International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month, so our aim is as many screenings as possible around the country to help change attitudes and bring understanding and awareness to something that is still very much a taboo, yet affects millions of lives every year.
The cost of this release is high. Even getting a certification which is a legal requirement costs us £1000. We have made this film on a low budget, but to a high standard because people like you have supported us throughout.
We have a shortfall of £3000 to enable us to release into cinemas and the costs this incurs.
Please help us to take the final step to getting Still Loved onto a screen near you by making a donation today.
Thank you so much.
Visit our website at www.stilllovedfilm.com
- 8 years ago
Debbie Howard
8 years agoThank you so much everyone! Wonderful to have your support. You're all amazing.
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- 8 years ago
Debbie Howard
8 years agoHi everyone. Just 9 hours left of our campaign now. Please share with friends and family if you can. Our next job is to raise funds for subtitling the film, which we still don't have enough funds to do. We want to make the film available in other countries. Thanks so much for your amazing support. Debbie
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- 8 years ago
Debbie Howard
8 years agoStill Loved is now available on pay per view on Vimeo. All revenue from this will be going towards paying back what we owe to investors and to making the film more widely available around the world. Please share this link with friends and family: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/stillloved Thank you Debbie
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- 8 years ago
Debbie Howard
8 years agoLast night was the final night of our cinema tour. We screened to a packed house at FACT in Liverpool. I am completely overwhelmed by the response to the film at every single screening we have held. Along the way we have gathered over a 1000 feedback forms with wonderful 4 & 5 star comments, incredible reviews and press articles and requests for the film from around the UK and overseas in various capacities to cinema screenings in New Zealand to midwifery courses at universities. Amazing! Thank yo so much for your support. Debbie
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Debbie Howard started crowdfunding
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Rebecca Peckham
Nov 27, 2016
Thank you for making this film
Nov 27, 2016
For my daughter Marnie x
Lynne Irish
Nov 27, 2016
Share the love... so proud of you Debbie ❤️
Jenni Hemphill
Nov 21, 2016
Thank you so much for making this inspiring documentary. Our son was born asleep in September and this documentary has helped us cope. In memory of our little star Thomas David Hemphill x
Great poppy
Nov 13, 2016
In memory of my great grand-son William
Katie Cumming
Nov 9, 2016
For beautiful baby William George Denny Knights, and his angel friends xxxxx
Toni Singleton
Nov 8, 2016
Enjoyed the documentary, I could have watched hours of footage, don't know how you managed to condense it down! If you ever get it on tv, maybe it could be a series! keep fighting Debbie
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Debbie Howard
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Debbie Howard is the Writer, Producer and Director of Still Loved and many other films. She set up Big Buddha Films ten years ago and makes films with great passion and integrity. You can find out more about Debbie's work on her website at www.bigbuddhafilms.co.uk