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Steven Coombs raised £315 from 20 supporters
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Closed 07/10/2017
Iʼve raised £315 to Help Wayne Shaw pay his fine and to cover towards his loss of earnings after his unfair treatment by the FA.
- Totton, United Kingdom
- Funded on Saturday, 7th October 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
There cant be many people in the UK that haven't heard of Wayne Shaw ? People that arent local or lucky to be friends and family to Wayne will know him from the "Pie eating - FA Cup tie" story.
Most of us local to Wayne in Totton Southampton and who are lucky to be one of his friends etc know him differently.
Wayne is one of the kindest, most generous and loveable guys around.
You will struggle to find one person to have a bad word to say about him as he has been a member of our community for years. Serving Ice Cream from the Carlos Van and from his work as commercial manager at AFC Totton and his charity work. He will help anybody anytime.
Also the many clubs he has played football for in goal and helped train including Sutton Utd.
Wayne has been charged by the Football Association for breaching their rules.This was something that every normal person in the country had dismissed as a bit of fun and a lighthearted moment, but unfortunatly the FA saw it differently and have punished Wayne.
Wayne has been fined £375 and banned from involvment in football related matters including his job as commercial manager at AFC Totton for 2 months.
Wayne and his family has suffered immensly, mentally and physically through this ordeal. nd as we know many high profile professional footballers etc have escaped severe punishment but earn a very high wage.
I'd like everyone who knows Wayne and his family to onate something, so Wayne and his family don't suffer financially on top of everything they have been through already.
Please help me to contribute towards Waynes fine and his loss of earnings while he is unable to do his job.
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Steven Coombs started crowdfunding
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John Squibb
Oct 3, 2017
Always a pleasure to see you at E.F.C.
Marcus Warder
Sep 15, 2017
Andrew Skiller
Sep 15, 2017
Jane Osgood
Sep 11, 2017
Paul Boyce
Sep 8, 2017
Come back strong Wayne, you love the game and everyone in the game loves you. Football needs more Wayne Shaw's. All the best mate
Linda Fletcher
Sep 8, 2017
Kevin Ward
Sep 8, 2017
lets kick the FA in the goolies , Millwall supports pie eaters
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