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stephen doggett raised £23,680 from 229 supporters
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Closed 12/10/2021
Iʼve raised £23,680 to provide support to Stephen Doggett's wife and three children following his passing away with cancer
- UK
- Funded on Tuesday, 12th October 2021
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After a two year battle with a rare form of cancer (synovial sarcoma) Stephen Doggett passed away on the 8th August 2021. At the time of his passing he was studying to become a Christian minister. He leaves his wife Lorraine and three boys, Nathan, Seth and Jesse. This fund is to provide support to Lorraine and his three boys while they readjust recognising that Stephen was the sole provider for the family.
- 3 years ago
stephen doggett
3 years agoFinal update from Stephen's sister, Sarah: On behalf of Stephen's family we just wanted to say again how incredibly grateful we are for your support and generosity. To see 157% of the target raised is so humbling and so very much appreciated. Thank you once again.
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- 3 years ago
stephen doggett
3 years ago30.08.21: Further update from Stephen's sister, Sarah. THANK YOU all for helping us reach (& exceed!) the target that was set by Stephen. It felt very poignant that the target was reached just before his funeral on Tuesday 24th. The family are incredibly grateful for all of your generosity and support. Thank you.
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- 3 years ago
stephen doggett
3 years ago14.08.21: Update from Stephen's sister, Sarah: Thank you all so much for your incredibly kind donations. We have been overwhelmed with the generosity and support. Please know that although we may not be able to respond to every single message at this time the family are reading each and every one and they are bringing much comfort & joy. Thank you again.
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stephen doggett started crowdfunding
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Michael Payton
Oct 5, 2021
Sep 30, 2021
Pauline Caldwell
Sep 27, 2021
Continuing to think of you all, with very best wishes.
Sep 20, 2021
A belated contribution to a wise and wonderful colleague.
Sep 16, 2021
Matt & Beckie
Sep 4, 2021
Thinking of and praying for you all. xxx
Roberta Smyth (Cavan)
Sep 1, 2021
We had been praying for Stephen at church and are now praying for you and the boys. Love from Ireland.
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