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Stephen Smith raised £2,323 from 114 supporters
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Closed 08/02/2018
Iʼve raised £2,323 to help Aron our son he has to go to america for proton beam therapy
- Funded on Thursday, 8th February 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
Aron is one of our sons hes three yrs old and has an inoperable tumor. hes been having chemotherapy but that is no longer viable and he needs to go to jacksonville in america for proton beam therapy.the nhs will cover travel and treatment costs but we need health insurance and living expenses for about a nine week period.aron has a twin brother harrison and an older sibling lukas who will have to stay in the uk
- 7 years ago
Stephen Smith
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 7 years ago
Stephen Smith
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Stephen Smith started crowdfunding
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Alan dwine
Feb 4, 2018
Good luck
Jan 29, 2018
Hope everything goes ok. Good luck for the future.
Jan 25, 2018
Michael Bevan
Jan 23, 2018
I'm sorry I cannot donate more - Hope everything goes well!infernox @ overclockersuk
Jana Zelinskaja
Jan 20, 2018
Best wishes x
Darren Fisher
Jan 20, 2018
Get well soon mate.x
Henning Wiebers
Jan 20, 2018
Im praying for your son.You also can do this yourself by laying your hands on him and say "Thank You Jesus for loving Aron. Tumor, leave this body right now! be completely healed." Repeat it daily.
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Stephen Smith
arons been having treatment for a brain tumor since was 9 months old hes now 3 and the chemotherapy is no longer viable as a treatment so he has been selected ro go to american for proton beam therapy