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Stephen Rodgers raised £2,735 from 56 supporters
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Closed 15/04/2017
Iʼve raised £2,735 to help Brian's family following his recent passing after a battle with Pancreatic Cancer
- Belfast, United Kingdom
- Funded on Saturday, 15th April 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
Brian was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer on 28th April 2016. He is 42 years old, a husband and a dad of two. This has all placed extra stress on Brian and his family, never mind the extra problems and sickness that have been difficult along the way. Initially, this event was to allow all friends and family to raise money to assist Brian and his family through this journey.
Sadly, on the 13 March 2017 Brian lost his battle to this dreadful illness and this is now a night in Brian's memory. All proceeds raised on the night will be donated to his wife Alexandra and his two children.
Thank you for the continued support for our family at this difficult time.
- 8 years ago
Stephen Rodgers
8 years agoPlease show your support 💜
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Donna Baird, Larne
Apr 13, 2017
David Rea
Apr 11, 2017
Hi Stephen it's a pleasure to donate to such a good cause.I lost my mum to Cancer 2yrs ago.Hope my small donation helps from a Proud Rangers fan.Keep up the good work mate.
Jennifer Lee
Apr 11, 2017
Danielle Grant
Apr 10, 2017
Well done Stevie on what seems to have been a fantastic night. Dee and Dani xx
Brendan Martyn
Apr 10, 2017
Geri Savage-Laird
Apr 9, 2017
My love and best wishes to all of Brian's family xxx
Connor Murphy
Apr 9, 2017
Hope the night went well.
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