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Step Up raised £6,257.4 from 34 supporters
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Closed 18/12/2020
Iʼve raised £6,257 to provide vital education packs for children and youth in refugee camps in Ethiopia.
- Funded on Friday, 18th December 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
For millions of the world's most vulnerable children, COVID-19 is developing into an education crisis.
Education can be life saving. Schools provide safe spaces where children can be protected from being easy targets for abuse, exploitation and recruitment into armed forces. Education can also break the cycle of crisis, bring families out of poverty and create a better future.
Since the outbreak schools in refugee camps have been closed and children have been out of education for months. Millions of children are idle at home with nothing to do. There are no options for virtual classes, no group activities allowed and youth centre and child friendly spaces remain closed. They are at risk of falling into crime, drugs, alcohol abuse and early marriages. (Local NGO worker)
Urgent short term solutions are needed to support the children and give them the opportunity to learn from home.
The Step Up has produced a summer education booklet to distribute to thousands of refugees children through partner organisations in Ethiopia including LWF, Plan International, UNHCR and ARRA.
This will enable children and youth refugees to be productive and continue their education from home, which is vital to their well-being during these stressful times.
The bespoke distance learning activities were created with the guidance of local NGO staff who have an in-depth understanding of community needs. Contents include health and hygiene information (WASH), psychosocial wellbeing activities, and positive character building.
We are raising urgent funds to print and distribute these educational booklets.
Ethiopia has become Africa’s largest refugee-hosting country, providing refuge for hundreds of thousands of people fleeing civil war, ethnic conflict and famine. The Gambella region has the largest refugee population with thousands of refugee children, many who are unaccompanied. These children and youth are desperate to further their education and find opportunities to make a better life.
Can you help give a Step Up to the most vulnerable children in the world?
£36 will enable 10 children to receive an education pack.
£150 will enable 40 children to receive an education pack.
£300 will enable 100 children to receive an education pack.
£1500 will sponsor pens to accompany the booklets.
Thank you for your valuable support!
Sneak peak of the booklets coming soon....
- 4 years ago
Step Up
4 years agoNot all children are back at school! Help us reach our goal so we can print thousands of educational booklets so children in refugee camps can continue learning.
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- 4 years ago
Step Up
4 years agoThe Step Up Positive Values and Wellbeing booklet created together with the local community is almost ready. Help us print these important booklets and distribute them to children in refugee camps who are out of school due to Covid.
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Step Up started crowdfunding
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Sep 29, 2020
Oren Yefet and Ellesheva Kissin
Sep 27, 2020
Good luck Chayli! Saw your post on fb and thought it was a wonderful cause. Gmar Chatima Tovah.
Christian Dovel
Sep 24, 2020
The Salisburys
Sep 24, 2020
Amazing initiative Chayli.
Sep 24, 2020
This is important work!
Sep 24, 2020
Sep 24, 2020
Good luck for an excellent project
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