We did it!
Elise Allanson raised £1,070 from 39 supporters
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Closed 01/09/2020
Iʼve raised £1,070 to support St Albans Musical Theatre Company and HIT (Herts Inclusive Theatre) - two local charities championing the arts in the community.
- Hertfordshire
- Funded on Tuesday, 1st September 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
St Albans Musical Theatre Company, like so many arts charities, has been affected by COVID-19. Our current show, Saturday Night Fever, that we were due to perform in April, had to be cancelled due to COVID-19 and the forced closure of the Alban Arena. Months of hard work by our cast, crew and committee has now been put on hold.
Similarly, HIT (Herts Inclusive Theatre) - a small charity that enables disabled people to have their lives transformed by theatre has also been hit hard by COVID-19. They are still managing to run online activities for participants, but due to lockdown is facing financial crisis.
During lockdown, SAMTC is putting on lots of different events to help keep the community together and performing arts alive. All the events are FREE and are being run voluntarily by our members, committee and friends of the company. We have set up this JustGiving page, in the hope that, if you enjoyed one of these events, you might think of donating towards the future of arts in the local community. How about donating the amount you would have spent down the pub after a rehearsal? Or the equivalent entrance fee for a pub quiz?
For more information about these charities you go HIT Website or St Albans Musical Theatre Company
To find out what events SAMTC are running visit their Facebook Page
Thank you
The St Albans Committee
- 5 years ago
Elise Allanson
5 years agoThank you so much for your generous donations! We've got lots more events planned so do get involved and stay connected with us!
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Elise Allanson started crowdfunding
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Jul 13, 2020
For SAMTC - long may it last!
Jul 13, 2020
Thank you for all the fantastic events that have been put on over the last few months! Special thanks to Elise and everyone who has made this happen!
Brenda Southorn
Jul 13, 2020
Happy 70th St Albans.Thank you for the entertainment last night.
Jul 13, 2020
thanks for keeping us entertained & the music alive xx
Rachel M
Jul 12, 2020
Another lovely evening! Thank you so much! X
Jul 12, 2020
If this evening is as good as the last ones it will be fabulous,Clive and I are really looking forward to it.
Sunil and Leena Sheth
Jun 20, 2020
You are all doing a great service for society. Keep it up
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