We did it!
Cliff Mitchell raised £710 from 28 supporters
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Closed 14/12/2019
Iʼve raised £710 to help fund our Staffs4Europe group.
- Leek, UK
- Funded on Saturday, 14th December 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Staffordshire4Europe are committed to making the positive case for EU membership. Our aim is to sway public opinion through the use of honest argument in order to persuade Parliament to act for the best interests of the people. Ultimately, we believe this means by MPs voting in any final decision for Britain to remain in the European Union or a Peoples Vote on the terms of the final deal.
We have a wide range of ages and backgrounds but share in common the fact that we are all citizens with a deep concern that the future of our region will be severely damaged by leaving the EU. Recognising, however, that we are only one voice among many, we plan to campaign closely alongside other local groups and individuals who share our aims and are campaigning for the same goal.
You can find us on the web, Facebook, and Twitter, and you can contact us.
- 6 years ago
Cliff Mitchell
6 years agoThank you to everyone who has donated to Staffs4Europe already. We are now urgently raising funds to help subsidise coach transport to take supporters to the 'Put it to the People' March in London on 23rd March 2019. We have already committed to pay for 2 coaches - these are expensive! Can you help by subsidising one or more seats (£25 per seat or £15 for under 21's)? The more donations we get, the more supporters we can get to London for this critical march! Thank you for your support.
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- 6 years ago
Cliff Mitchell
6 years agoThank you all for your donations! We are focusing on local street activities in the area at the moment and urgently need funds to purchase more leaflets. We are also preparing for the People's Vote march in London on October 20th - arranging transport to help supporters get to London, and continuing to counter the barrage of misinformation spread in social media and the local press about Brexit. Please help us with a contribution, however small, and by joining our mailing list at https://www.staffs4europe.eu/join.php
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- 7 years ago
Cliff Mitchell
7 years agoOur day at the Leek Show proved very successful with lots of interest, signatures on our People's Vote petition and a big vote for Remain on our Brexitometer! We'll publish more details on our web site Staffs4Europe.EU shortly, but we just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported us a the Leek Show, and to all of you who have contributed to our fund raising efforts. THANK YOU!
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Cliff Mitchell started crowdfunding
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Geoff Jones
Mar 19, 2019
Donation towards spaces on transport to the march in London
Mar 13, 2019
I going on the train. This is a small donation to help with the coach.
Martin & Sue
Mar 6, 2019
Sanity must prevail. Join the "Put it to the People March" and be part of something bigger and better.
Mar 4, 2019
Donation towards seats on coach for March on 23rd...
Mar 4, 2019
Donation for coach place for 23 March...
Cliff & Jane
Mar 4, 2019
For an extra 2 seats on the coaches to the 'Put it to the People' march in London.
Nigel Williams
Mar 3, 2019
Donation to help young people to join the coaches.
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