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Rebecca Nathan raised £3,515 from 97 supporters
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Closed 15/05/2023
Iʼve raised £3,515 to help support local business Staarvey Farm after a devastating barn fire destroyed most of their equipment and storage
- Staarvey Farm
- Funded on Monday, 15th May 2023
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Hi, my name is Rebecca Nathan and I have set up this fundraiser to help support Stephen, Jenny and the rest of the Devereau family and the Staarvey Farm business after a fire burnt their barn to the ground.
On Monday 9th January just before 8pm a fire broke out in the barn at Staarvey Farm. Within the space of 10-15 minutes the whole barn was on fire and once the fire service arrived the family was informed that nothing would be salvageable.
This wasn’t just your big standard barn, the barn contained: packing rooms for the Staarvey Farm salad business, walk in chiller, equipment and packaging, wheel barrows and rotavator attachments; the jam store for the Staarvey Farm business that contained most of their stock, pallets of empty jars and freezers of fruit; Stephen’s workshop which contained a wide range of equipment and all of his tools. The barn contained general storage such as bikes, items from when their children went to university and the majority of an original 110 County Land Rover Defender which was due to be restored this year. A mezzanine floor housed a large amount of personal and sentimental items and there was also a lean-to wood store containing stock and equipment.
Staarvey Farm is a well known island wide local business which started in 2006, initially selling potted herbs and vegetables. Staarvey Farm is also known for their large variety of jams, marmalades, chutneys and preserves which are sold locally and at the agricultural shows. They later ran an organic free range egg business. Their business then developed into fresh organic salad and herbs that they have been selling to Robinsons who supply the Island’s Shoprite stores and also to a large number of restaurants across the island since 2012.
Salad production is due to begin in 4 weeks time and now they have nowhere to pack and store their products. They also have no tools to build a temporary packing area until insurance is sorted and a new barn is built (this could take 6+ months). However even before this can be done a professional clear up has to take place as they found out a number of the cement fibre roofing sheets contained asbestos, which will delay things.
This go fund me has been created to help the Devereaus and the Staarvey Farm business get back on it’s feet. The money raised will be used to buy wood, other materials, equipment, a chiller, tools, and a number of other things which are needed to build a temporary packing and store area. Any donations no matter how small will be greatly appreciated ❤️
- 2 years ago
Rebecca Nathan
2 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 2 years ago
Rebecca Nathan
2 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Rebecca Nathan started crowdfunding
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Katie Lee
Apr 11, 2023
Sending you love staarvey 💗
Johnny & Juliet at Forecast 5
Feb 15, 2023
What an awful shock to read about the fire, Jenni.Hope this helps and sorry its late, but we just saw the report when we came back from Australia yesterday
Feb 7, 2023
Annie and H
Feb 4, 2023
Tasha Poole
Feb 4, 2023
Lauren & Jack Corlett
Feb 4, 2023
Ean Radcliffe
Jan 31, 2023
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