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Gordon Riddler raised £1,740.29 from 48 supporters
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Closed 18/08/2020
Iʼve raised £1,740 to Ballater Hardship Fund
- Funded on Tuesday, 18th August 2020
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Gordon Riddler completed his second ascent now totaling the equivalent of just over two Mt Everests (17,874 m) on 31 July 2020 in support of Ballater folks affected by COVID-19. This site will remain live for a little while longer so there is still time to donate.
This sponsored climbing is to raise funds for the Ballater Hardship Fund (BHF), a joint project set up by a number of local groups and administered by the Scottish charitable incorporated development organisation, Ballater (RD) Limited, with monies distributed through contact with people known, trusted and respected in the community.
The objective is to support those made redundant due to COVID-19 from a minimum hours job or simply having financial worries adding to the depressing situation they now find themselves. Beneficiaries will reside in the AB35 postcode area between Dinnet and Crathie. The project will run until either all monies are used up or if take-up stops. Then after a period of 3 months, any remaining monies will go into established Community Funds.
Gordon said: “Those avid readers of the Ballater Eagle may have picked up that I met the Trail Magazine “Everest Anywhere” challenge in 2019, climbing more than the necessary 29, 029 feet (8848 meters) in support of Rachel Leader for her epic sail across the Southern Ocean on the Clipper Round the World Race”
Having started the challenge again in 2020 it made sense to use my “one exercise per day” to raise funds for the BHF. I have a 600-foot hill 1 mile and a 1 hour round trip ± 10% from my house in Ballater. I completed my first ascent of Everest (just over) on 6 May 2020 having climbed 29,091 feet (8867 meters) since 4 March, really getting to know Craigendarroch. I put in 1p for every Everest foot to start the fundraising for my first ascent.
With lockdown easing I then had a wider choice of hills to climb. I have now completed the second ascent equivalent to the height of Everest (total for the two ascents 17,874m - picture above). This site will remain open for a little while longer so there is still time to donate so keep the donations coming in.
I did not expect to emulate Captain Tom (I am 25 years younger) but he is certainly an inspiration to us all and in my case to support distressed members of the Ballater community. Ballater has had its challenges with floods and fires and COVID-19 is yet another but with no definite end date. Now is the time to donate as furlough ends. Every little helps and thank you for your donation”
- 5 years ago
Gordon Riddler
5 years agoThat is two Everests and the job is done. Thank you all for your great support. Best wishes and wishing you well as the lock down eases. Gordon
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- 5 years ago
Gordon Riddler
5 years ago700 feet to go - be done by Friday 31 July - still time to donate. Gordon
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- 5 years ago
Gordon Riddler
5 years agoWell almost there with the second Everest ascent and thank you for your support which is making such a difference. This ascent has been a bit slower but it also has involved other hills and now two of us walking on some of them - so the lockdown easing has made this leg more enjoyable and the donations are greatly appreciated. Gordon
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Gordon Riddler started crowdfunding
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Aug 4, 2020
Super work Gordon.
Aug 2, 2020
just a wee help towards your total!
Jul 7, 2020
Our friends' daughter is making face masks in return for a donation to a charity of our choice. Here you go, and keep on walking! Domx
Jul 7, 2020
Well done Gordon. Thank you from the village
Fife Flyer
May 29, 2020
Well done Gordon
Julia & Matt
May 28, 2020
You are an inspiration for all of us who have the privilege of knowing you.
Rotary Club of Aboyne and Upper Deeside
May 26, 2020
A fantastic effort for a great cause - well done Gordon!Best wishes from us all
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