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Roger Newsham raised £583 from 21 supporters


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Closed 05/10/2019

raised of £150,000 target by 21 supporters

    Iʼve raised £583 to Refurbish a new premises for Southend Vineyard Storehouse Food bank and Community Cafe

    Southend-on-Sea, UK
    Funded on Saturday, 5th October 2019

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Southend Vineyard is a Christian Church affiliated to Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland and the Storehouse is our Food Bank and Community Cafe that gives away 480 food bags each week, to those on low incomes, those caught in debt, those struggling with Universal Credit payments and the Homeless.

    We currently have 3500 people registered with us, which represents 1.9% of Southend-On-Sea's population. This is a significant number of people for a charity like our own, who employ a few key staff but depend largely on members of the community to support the work of the Storehouse. You can read about the work of the Storehouse on our web page: Storehouse Website...

    We operate out of a former community centre, which forms part of a massive redevelopment of the Queensway Estate. Queensway Development...

    This means that we need to move out of our current building in the next year (August 2019). We have identified an ideal space close to our current facility and have secured a mortgage to purchase it. We would need to prove that we have the £150,000 required to draw down the mortgage before we can move forward with the purchase.

    Why this space? Well, it is due to the geographic location, the purchase price and mortgage payments being manageable. We believe that the facility in the heart of the town centre will help in the regeneration of our High Street and provide a space for those who have nowhere to rest or pass the time during the day. We currently rent a school to hold Sunday Services as part of Southend Vineyard. Having one space means we can work out of one location and utilise the resources we already have in the new building. We currently have an office space and a charity shop in the same building so we would be drawing everything together.

    We partner with Sainsbury's, Marks and Spencer, Tesco, Waitrose, Lidl, Gregg's, Makro and other charitable agencies operating in Southend, to support those dependent on drugs or alcohol, those sleeping rough, those requiring support with their mental health, those struggling with debt, those with problems with housing and rent arrears, and those out of work... we seek to be a safe haven in the storm of life.

    Through the food bank we provide a small amount of food each week and in the community cafe, we provide hot meals, warmth and shelter from the elements, supportive staff and volunteers willing to offer advice and support through the circumstances we face. We encourage people to seek the help available to them in the community from our partners and offer opportunities to volunteer with us in the cafe, the food bank and our charity shop.... we love doing life together... come and be part of the family.

    Someone recently said that if 1000 people came together with £150, we would have raised the money needed to prove to our mortgage lender that we have the funds to purchase the premises we have chosen and move onto the next chapter of the Storehouse...



    • Roger Newsham6 years ago
      Roger Newsham

      Roger Newsham

      6 years ago

      It's been a while but an update on where we are in the purchase of new premises for the Storehouse (31st August). We are currently involved in legal negotiations with the Landowner and Leaseholders so that we can be granted consent for our project and other issues concerning the whole site... Unseen when we first put in an offer. This is still in progress so please, share our crowdfunding appeal to reach our target. We currently give out 480 food bags per week, with 1.8% of those caught in food poverty in Southend visiting us EVERY week.

      Update from the Page owner

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    • Roger Newsham6 years ago
      Roger Newsham

      Roger Newsham

      6 years ago

      We have reached the end of June and are poised to draw down our mortgage and start the next exciting chapter for Southend Vineyard Storehouse. We await a final decision by the land owner and lease provider, to agree to the change of use that has been granted by Southend Borough Council. Without the land owners consent we are unable to proceed with the purchase so watch this space... In the meantime, we still need your help with raising funds for the building refurbishment. If you feel you can commit to donating to our project, please give...

      Update from the Page owner

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    • Roger Newsham6 years ago
      Roger Newsham

      Roger Newsham

      6 years ago

      We have reached a point in our negotiations where we need YOUR HELP. To secure our mortgage, we have to show to the lender that we have the money to refurbish the premises we wish to purchase. We estimate this to be £150,000. This is our NEW target for our appeal going forward: If 1000 people gave £150, we would reach our target and be able to go-ahead and complete on the mortgage and start on our new journey in the Storehouse.

      Update from the Page owner

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    6 years ago

    Roger Newsham started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 8/31/2019 10.26



    • Anonymous


      Apr 30, 2019


    • Anonymous


      Apr 27, 2019

    • Anonymous


      Feb 28, 2019


    • Hilary Scarnell

      Hilary Scarnell

      Jan 7, 2019

      So sorry that this is necessary in our very privileged area of this rich country.


    • Mike Smith

      Mike Smith

      Jan 6, 2019

      I hope you reach your taget and exceed it.


    • Paul Stygal

      Paul Stygal

      Jan 6, 2019


    • Leigh Brown

      Leigh Brown

      Jan 6, 2019


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    About Crowdfunding
    About the fundraiser
    Roger Newsham

    Roger Newsham

    Southend-on-Sea, UK

    Roger is a Trustee of Southend Vineyard, a company limited by guarantee (No:3060009) and a charity registered with the charities commission (No: 1047393). He is also employed as the Operations Manager for the Storehouse, an outreach of Southend Vineyard Church.

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