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Sophie & Ellie raised £545 from 23 supporters


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Closed 28/08/2020

raised of £400 target by 23 supporters

    Iʼve raised £545 to Walk 400k throughout May, to provide the members of PHOLK with a post-lockdown treat! As well as supporting the NHS.

    Funded on Friday, 28th August 2020

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    As you all know, this lockdown/pandemic has been tough for everyone. It's something we never expected and something that has affected every single one of us in one way or another. We know this time has been difficult for those on the front line and we can't thank them enough for the work they have put in.

    Sophie Alderton (PHOLK Director) and Ellie Young (PHOLK Secretary) are both volunteers at PHOLK, a local Charity based in Southend, Essex. In order to raise funds for both PHOLK and NHS Charities together, Sophie and Ellie will be walking 400k throughout may in an attempt to raise 400 pound. They will both be documenting their progress daily over on the PHOLK instagram (pholk_charity) account so be sure to give it a follow!

    PHOLK aims to enable adults both with and without disabilities to come together on equal terms. PHOLK organises day trips, holidays and evenings out in order to get our members socialising and integrated in the community, when they may not have previously been able to. As I’m sure you can imagine, this lockdown has been extremely difficult for many of our members. All of them have struggled not seeing their friends/families, some have not been able to leave the house and we have some who couldn't even understand why they can't attend their daily activities and have to be stuck inside. We had a holiday to Center Parcs booked for the beginning of May and unfortunately that had to he cancelled which was a disappointment for everyone.

    As we know how hard its been for them all, we would like to give them a nice treat when this is all over and we are in the clear. Our aim is to take all our members on a day out somewhere that they can all enjoy together. The money we manage to raise from doing this challenge will enable us to fund the day trip.

    Having said this, we know how hard all of the NHS staff have been working during this time. Our members may have had a tough couple of months, but ultimately it has been life saving. This is why we have also decided that some of the money we raise will be donated to NHS Charities together. The NHS is not a charity, but in this strange time, anything we can do to help is worthwhile. During this outbreak Sophie has actually been working for the NHS, working on wards in full PPE and has seen it all for herself. Anything we are able to raise is helpful.

    400k may seem easy to some of you... but our options for wild fundraisers are quite limited! After long days at work (over 12 hour shifts in Sophies' case currently!), whatever the great British weather throws our way, and of course while continuing all of our other PHOLK work, we will keep going! We cant complain, as we say, this is nothing compared to what others have gone through during this period. If Captain Tom Moore can lap his garden 100 times I'm sure we can walk over 400k between the two of us!

    Any sponsors, big or small, will go a very long way to help put a smile on our members faces and give them something to look forward to 😊 as well as help our much loved National health service!



    • Sophie & Ellie5 years ago
      Sophie & Ellie

      Sophie & Ellie

      5 years ago

      Wow, we are really blown away by all the support we've been given! And we're only on day 6!! Thank you all so much! Lets see if we can double our target! The walks continue!!

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Sophie & Ellie5 years ago
      Sophie & Ellie

      Sophie & Ellie

      5 years ago
      Update from the Page owner

      We are amazed with all the support we’ve had already, and it’s only day 3!! Thank you so much, we really appreciate it 😊

      Share this update to help us raise more

    5 years ago

    Sophie & Ellie started crowdfunding

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    Page last updated on: 5/27/2020 20.25



    • Gina


      May 27, 2020

      Well done Sophie and Ellie


    • Nanna & Grandad

      Nanna & Grandad

      May 27, 2020

      Well done Sophie & Ellie. It's a big challenge in this heat !!Lots of love. Nanna & Grandad xxx


    • Vic


      May 25, 2020


    • Amy Mallandain

      Amy Mallandain

      May 25, 2020

      Well done Sophie and Ellie lots of love from Amy and Elaine


    • Elaine


      May 13, 2020

      Sophie, you always achieve what you set out to do, and I just know you’ll complete this challenge, especially as it’s for Pholk, a cause so dear to your heart. I admire you, I applaud you! Xx


    • The Vigi’s

      The Vigi’s

      May 11, 2020

      Good Luck girls...although doing an amazing job already...for a great cause. Xx


    • Sue Young

      Sue Young

      May 6, 2020

      Well done girls 👍


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