We did it!
Rachel Miller raised £396 from 25 supporters
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Closed 07/03/2021
Iʼve raised £396 to support the 8th year of Smile Through Sport, aiming to provide disability sports activities and events to more people in more places.
- North East England
- Funded on Sunday, 7th March 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Charity Number 1191534
We are asking for support by inviting people to donate £8 for our 8th year.
Smile Through Sport provide disability sports activities and events throughout the North East. They are able to provide activities for people of all ages and abilities including children, adults and those in care homes. The 8th year of Smile is to be the biggest one yet as they aim to reach more people in more places than ever before.
Founded in 2013 by Paralympian, Stephen Miller, Smile has already worked with over 6500 individuals across the North East. Smile became a charity in 2020 and now hopes to raise enough money to ensure they are able to increase their impact in 2021.
Like many charities and organisations, Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on Smile and their participants as all in person delivery was stopped overnight. This has had an enormous impact on the income the organisation has been able to generate this year and there are real concerns that Smile will be unable to provide as much activity in the future.
The team at Smile have worked incredibly hard to ensure that they are able to provide at home sport and activity for those who have had to shield or who struggle to access any community activity. Activities in 2020 have included equipment loan schemes for residents in care homes to keep them active while shielding, online fitness sessions for adults with learning disabilities and free equipment for families across Northumberland to keep them active and safe.
- 4 years ago
Rachel Miller
4 years agoThanks again to everyone who has supported our £8 for 8 campaign. Some of our facts and figures for 2020: - 148 people entered the 2020 Boccia Open in February 1728 shielding individuals have accessed borrow a smile boxes to remain active in their own homes 414 people took part in an online fitness session 76 people took part in disability awareness online 25 people will take part in our first ever virtual boccia open in 2021 Bring on 2021 when we will be back stronger. Merry Christmas from everyone at Smile Through Sport
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Rachel Miller started crowdfunding
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Dec 16, 2020
Kevin Pope
Dec 6, 2020
Helen Convery
Nov 27, 2020
Nov 27, 2020
Nov 19, 2020
Helen W
Nov 19, 2020
Happy Birthday to SMILE!May this year be the best one yet!
Nov 13, 2020
Good luck
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