We did it!
Lucy Jones raised £335 from 19 supporters
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Closed 30/11/2019
Iʼve raised £335 to help support the volunteers of The Smear On Demand Campaign with travel to London for Parliamentary meetings
- Funded on Saturday, 30th November 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Smear on Demand isn’t about changing the upper or lower age limit for cervical screening (there is a whole host of complicated red tape as to why the Government will not review the age restrictions), however it is calling for a minor change on the current cervical screening legislation. We are campaigning for a ‘common sense’ approach to screening, where if a GP feels that a woman requires a smear test - regardless of her age or when she last had a routine smear – then the GP should be able to make that decision to carry one out and it be tested.
We believe that the decision of when women should be tested should be at the hands of the GP, not the MPs sitting in Parliament. Routine smear tests every 3 years should stay in place, with the addition of a ‘smear on demand’ as and when it is required. It really is that simple.
Or campaign was started in 2015 and is going from strength to strength thanks to our volunteers. As of 5th June 2019, we have secured the commission of an independent review of the cervical screening guidelines, that is due to be published by the end of Summer 2019. This is a huge step forward once the review is complete, we hope to have an active input on the new guidelines moving forward.
So far our volunteers have spent thousands of pounds of their own money in travel getting to London for parliamentary meetings, not even including all the meetings with MPs, academics and advisors in order for us to publish an analytical research document.
Any donations would be extremely appreciated. They would assist with travelling to meetings to ensure our campaign is correctly represented at any future discussions in Parliament. Any excess monies received once the campaign is complete would be donated to The Faye Knowles Chapman Foundation and Amber's Law, which are both charities that support women with cervical cancer and concerns with cervical cancer. Both charities are part of the Smear on Demand Campaign.
Find us: www.facebook.com/SmearOnDemand
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Lucy Jones started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Kerry Cadwallader
Sep 16, 2019
This campaign is so important ... keep it up your doing great
Jacquie Wilcox
Sep 14, 2019
Samantha Rhodes
Sep 14, 2019
Such great work Lucy - thank you for all that you do
Joanna Cokell
Sep 12, 2019
Sep 12, 2019
Jun 13, 2019
My daughter was diagnosed this year with grade 2B cervical cancer after her 1st smear test & a year of going back & forth to the doctors with symptoms. Fantastic cause, keep up the fight! Xx
Jun 12, 2019
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Lucy Jones
I have been involved with the Smear on Demand Campaign since 2014. It was set up when 23 year old Sorcha Glenn from Northern Ireland died from cervical cancer after being refused a smear test four times because she was under 25. I too have been effected by cervical cancer.