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Save London Motorcycling

Save London Motorcycling is crowdfunding

raised of £20,000 target by 540 supporters

Iʼm raising £20,000 to stop councils bullying bikers!


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We urgently need your help to stand up to local authorities trying to force bikers off our roads

We need your help NOW to raise the funds needed to take Hackney Council to court over their outrageous motorcycle parking charges. Please give whatever you can and share widely!

Hackney’s plans

Hackney Council plan to charge residents motorcycles exactly the same as cars, from between £50 a year for electric to £596 a year for some petrol bikes, and business permits up to £1560!

They plan to charge commuters up to £10 for all day commuter parking, adding up to £2,300 a year. Most riders won’t be able to afford this. In fact Hackney Council say it will reduce motorcycle commuting by 70%!

Their aim is to drive bikers off the streets, we can’t let them get away with this!

Even if these parking charges might not affect you now, more and more councils are considering motorcycle parking charges as a way to make money, so unless we take action your council could be next!

Don’t ride a motorcycle? This case could fundamentally change councils’ responsibilities to consider the fairness and impact of parking charges on all residents and workers in their area.

The legal challenge

Local campaigners have been trying to get Hackney Council to see sense and recognise how irrational their plans are. There were 3,500 consultation responses against their proposals and a petition against them gained 8,500 signatures. Hackney Council have presented no evidence to support these plans and have ignored reasonable feedback from residents and riders.

So we have been forced to challenge the legality of the decision, on the following grounds

💥That the Council failed to properly balance its aim of reducing motorcycle use with its legal responsibility to provide adequate parking

💥That the Council has not made any efforts to consider the actual effect of the policy, or provide any evidence that it will achieve the aims they have set out

💥That the Council has not taken into account the impact of the charges on disabled riders and the specific issues that affect those with a ‘Blue Badge’

A win could not only mean they have to withdraw the charges, but could also have massive consequences for parking and motorcycle policy in England. It could establish a principle that councils can’t just thoughtlessly apply car policies to motorcycles. This is relevant to a huge range local and national government decisions with regards to motorcycles, including 'clean air zones'!

It could also have impacts for drivers and all citizens, as it could establish the principle that councils cannot just set parking charges however high they want, they must carry out the balancing exercise to prove the charges are reasonable and proportionate.

Fundamentally it would be a blow for councils who think they can get away with ignoring their residents, ignoring the facts, and riding roughshod over opposition just because they hold a majority on the Council.

Even if we don't win this case, it will show other councils that motorcyclists are willing to take action if they won't listen to reason and treat riders fairly.

Why do we need your help?

Save London Motorcycling is entirely volunteer led and run, we don’t take membership fees because we want all riders to be able to get involved. That’s why we rely on your generous donations for things like this.

Hackney Council on the other hand can just apply for a government bail out! There is very little risk for them, which is why they are happy to fight it even if they think they’ll lose.

They have the power and resources we desperately need. But you can help us make this a fair fight! Please give what you can, and share this with anyone who you think might be able to help.

Everything you give to this crowd funder will be held specifically as a legal fighting fund to be used for the costs of this case, including costs directly to the court or our solicitors DMH Stallard. DMH Stallard were recommended to us by the Trail Riders Fellowship based on their great track record fighting cases like this for riders’ rights.

Any excess funds left over after the Hackney case will go towards legal costs for bringing similar cases in future if necessary.

Increasingly councils are riding roughshod over the views of motorcyclists who live and work in their Boroughs. Because bikers are a minority in any particular area some councils with large majorities think they can simply ignore us.

The law is meant to protect us from this, but it only works if we use it to hold them to account. Showing that we’re willing to stand up for our rights will help deter other councils from discriminating against bikers.

If you have any questions about the case or campaign please contact us at

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  • Save London Motorcycling10 days ago
    Save London Motorcycling

    Save London Motorcycling

    10 days ago

    We have a court date! We're taking Hackney Council to court on 23rd January! We're excited to fight for your rights, but before then we have to raise the money needed to make it happen. We've also been awarded cost capping under the Aarhus convention. But, even with cost capping we still need to raise the money to pay our own lawyers and the court fees. All it means is that the costs Hackney can claim against us are limited if we lose. We're at 50% of our target already, please remember to share the crowdfunder to help us make our target!

    Share this update to help us raise more

  • Save London Motorcycling1 month ago
    Save London Motorcycling

    Save London Motorcycling

    1 month ago
    Update from the Page owner

    We're over a third of a way to our target already! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated and shared. We're so thankful for everything you've given. But we still have a way to go! Please share this message with anyone you think could help us make our target!

    Share this update to help us raise more

  • Save London Motorcycling2 months ago
    Save London Motorcycling

    Save London Motorcycling

    2 months ago
    Update from the Page owner

    WOW. We've got 25% of our target in a week! We cant believe it, thank you so much for your support! Please remember to share this crowdfunder as widely as possible, so we can raise the money needed and show all Councils that bikers wont be messed with!

    Share this update to help us raise more

2 months ago

Save London Motorcycling started crowdfunding

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Page last updated on: 10/13/2024 23.48



  • Bones


    Oct 13, 2024

    Fight back against the money grabbing by hackney council!


  • Keefus


    Oct 13, 2024

    Good luck and thanks for fighting this. Hackney council need to challenged for this money grab.


  • Anonymous


    Oct 13, 2024


  • Anonymous


    Oct 13, 2024


  • Anonymous


    Oct 11, 2024

    good lk


  • Anonymous


    Oct 11, 2024

    Good luck and thank you for sticking up for London motorcyclists and all bikers


  • Anonymous


    Oct 11, 2024

    Go go go!


Save London Motorcycling

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Save London Motorcycling

Save London Motorcycling


Save London Motorcycling is a grassroots organisation dedicated to fighting threats to motorcycling in London. You can find more about our campaigns and sign up to our mailing list on our website You can also email us on

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