We did it!
Sivan Hermon raised £1,867 from 62 supporters
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Closed 27/11/2019
Iʼve raised £1,867 to The Israel Pulmonary Hypertension Association
- Elstree, Borehamwood
- Funded on Wednesday, 27th November 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Marathon a Month
As part of my Batmitzvah I am going to be raising money for a charity that is particularly close to my heart. As many of you will know I recently lost my wonderful Auntie Ifat in Israel even though she was only 38 years old from a terrible disease called Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. What some of you may not know is that Ifat was a campaigner to raise money to help others suffering from the same disease and I would like to honour her memory by doing the same.
In order to raise money I am aiming to swim the equivalent of a marathon in four weeks. This will equate to 390 lengths of a 25 metre pool. I will be starting this challenge the week of 2nd September and will complete it by 27th September.
Please help me to raise money for this wonderful cause via just giving and all money will be sent directly to the charity. Any donations will be very much appreciated.
Thank you for your support.
- 5 years ago
Sivan Hermon
5 years agoSivan swam an almighty 62 lengths tonight....please continue to sponsor her and encourage her....328 lengths to go !!!!
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Michelle & Philip Lassman
Nov 5, 2019
Mazel Tov Sivan and well done for a fantastic achievement and a great cause.
Emma Geller
Nov 3, 2019
Sivan, you are amazing. Well done! All our loveEmma, Jon, Amelie and Jack Xxxx
Elaine & Derek Tiffenberg
Nov 1, 2019
Lovely thing to do in honour of your aunt. Mazel Tov for this weekend! All our love, Elaine & Derek. Xx
The Garcias xxxx
Nov 1, 2019
What an amazing thing to do for such a special cause but what else would we expect from you, Sivan.Your beautiful aunt must be watching you with so much pride. Mazal tov Bat Mitzvah girl. Keep being u
Emma Sadeghi
Nov 1, 2019
Mazal Tov from the Sadeghi family! Soroosh, Emma, Daniel, Adam and Benjamin
Oct 30, 2019
What a fantastic achievement and a very special way to mark your Batmitzvah. Mazal TovLove from Tizzy & The Shorrick's
Shelagh Robinson
Oct 29, 2019
To my wonderful amazing granddaughter on raising so muchmoney for such a wonderful cause.
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