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Simone Baker raised £150 from 7 supporters


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Closed 02/12/2017

raised of £150 target by 7 supporters

    Weʼve raised £150 to put towards buying my Mum a new bed for her flat - her first bed in 2 years - so she can get her arthritic bones off of sleeping on the sofa

    Bradford, United Kingdom
    Funded on Saturday, 2nd December 2017

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    So, for as long as I can remember my Mum has been poorly.

    The anxiety & depression which I didnt know about at the time has been with her for years - when I was in Middle School - I would get up in a morning and my Mum would be crying, we would get ready and go to school & she would be crying, we would come home and there would still be tears and then we would go to bed with the situation still the same.

    As the years went by it got worse - she didn't go to my eighteenth birthday party, she didn't go to my Uni graduation, she didn't come away with us when we got married, she hasn't been to any of the parties or sports days her Grandchildren have had.

    We don't go out for meals to celebrate her birthday or take her for Afternoon Tea on Mother's Day, she didn't come wedding dress hunting with me, we've never had Mother-Daughter shopping afternoons and there isn't even one single photograph of any of us with my Mum floating about - not one.

    Yes she has depression & she has anxiety, she is also a diagnosed agoraphobic, she has lymphadema and cellulitis in her legs and she has arthritis in her knees, hips, and more worryingly (as it's only going to worsen) in her spine.

    So things such as climbing the stairs in the 3 bedroom house she now lives in alone, lifting her leg over the bath to get into her shower, sitting down in the bath, became impossible and for the past 2 years there has been none of this.

    ~ her sofa has been her bed

    ~ her personal hygiene has been left to washes and teeth brushing at a downstairs sink

    After a lengthy process & help from our local Labour MP she will FINALLY be moved to a ground floor, 1 bed flat with a walk in shower.


    But after 2 years with no bed, Im asking for help to get her one. One with a matteress that will ease her pain a little as the arthritus gets worse.

    Finally, some light at the end of the tunnel for my amazing Mum - my only 53 year old Mum...

    Thanks so much xx



    • Simone Baker7 years ago
      Simone Baker

      Simone Baker

      7 years ago
      Update from the Page owner

      Share this update to help us raise more

    7 years ago

    Simone Baker started crowdfunding

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    Page last updated on: 11/7/2017 18.22



    • Rachael Coates

      Rachael Coates

      Nov 7, 2017


    • Anonymous


      Nov 7, 2017

      nearly there!


    • Elizabeth  Hartshorne

      Elizabeth Hartshorne

      Nov 7, 2017

      Hope this helps you reach your target x


    • Anonymous


      Nov 2, 2017

      I know it’s not allot, hope you get to target.

    • Anonymous


      Oct 24, 2017


    • Laura Boyle

      Laura Boyle

      Oct 24, 2017

      I hope your mum reaches the target Sim your mum deserves it xx love us


    • Kelly McKenny

      Kelly McKenny

      Oct 24, 2017

      You are doing such a good job of helping you mum - super daughter material! Good luck reaching the target! x


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    Simone Baker

    Simone Baker

    Bradford, United Kingdom

    Its my Mum and I have to try and help her however I can <3

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