We did it!
Simon Crawley raised £7,317 from 370 supporters
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Closed 13/09/2016
Iʼve raised £7,317 to allow a successful bid for an Oor Wullie sculpture for Ninewells Hospital and let every member of staff own a little bit of it!!
- Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom
- Funded on Tuesday, 13th September 2016
Don't have time to donate right now?
The Oor Wullie Bucket Trail, supported by the Archie Foundation, has become an incredibly popular event within Tayside this year. These Wullies have generated a lot of interest in the area and will hopefully generate a lot of money when the sculptures are go under auction on September 13th. Check out www.oorwulliebuckettrail.com.
Money raised goes to the Archie Foundation who hope to make a big difference to local children when they are sick and aim to support the building of the new twin operating suite within the Tayside Childrens Hospital.
We think it would be great if the staff of NHS Tayside could crowd fund enough money to bid for one, so it could be a permanent feature in the Childrens Hospital and we could each own a little bit of it.
Thanks for your support in supporting our aim to reach our ambitious target of £6000 - we might even try to get 2!!!
In the event of not raising enough or an unsuccessful bid, all the money raised still goes to The Archie Foundation so the children of Tayside will still benefit.
- 9 years ago
Simon Crawley
9 years agoThanks so much to you all for making this happen!! It has been so great to be involved in this. We will be seeing Oor Wullie in the hospital soon!
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- 9 years ago
Simon Crawley
9 years agoThe contributions just keep coming. Now over £4600 and at 77% of target. Nearly there NHS Tayside!!,
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- 9 years ago
Simon Crawley
9 years agoNHS Tayside staff have crowd funded over £4000 for the Archie Foundation Oor Wullie auction bid. Something to feel very proud to be part of!!
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- 9 years ago
Simon Crawley
9 years ago2 days!! £830. A few weeks still to go before auction. This is great. Thanks all.
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Simon Crawley started crowdfunding
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Kirsty Kilday
Sep 13, 2016
Helen Allott
Sep 13, 2016
Sep 13, 2016
Sep 13, 2016
Good luck for tonight!!
Calum & Jane Grant
Sep 13, 2016
Better late than never - well done, Simon.Remember your poker face for tonight's auction!
Sep 13, 2016
Teresa Arnott
Sep 13, 2016
Good luck
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Simon Crawley
Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi I am Simon Crawley, a consultant anaesthetist at Ninewells Hospital and am a keen supporter of the Archie Foundation in their efforts to make a real difference to the kids of Tayside. We hope NHS Tayside staff will join together and help win an Oor Wullie at auction!!