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Humanities Action Group Limited raised £130 from 6 supporters
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Closed 29/06/2018
Iʼve raised £130 to Please Help Give New Hope. White South Africans are living under attack while others living in rural areas are systematically slaughtered.
- Kent, UK
- Funded on Friday, 29th June 2018
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South Africa is a nation not at peace with itself.
A country at war, in-fact it has been this way for several years from around 1994 and has slowly progressed up until today, resembling a pot of water on a slow boil. Complicated with dramatic rhetoric purposely engineered to hype people up and then the terrier will be let lose! You will not hear these reports through mainstream media, only international alternative media or on social media platforms. White South Africans, the tax paying minority are been crushed and live under constant threat from their government and hostile opposition political leaders. A situation similar to that which has occurred in Zimbabwe for more than 30 years; Land invasion, farm attacks, farm murders, home invasion, rape, vehicle jackings and intimidation, are among the most dangerous, frightening, heartbreaking crimes to experience added with the fact that many of the farmers, victims and survivors of these often brutal atrocities the properties have been in the family name for 300 years or more. South Africa was the economic anchor of Africa but regrettably the country has been turned into an economic basket case like Zimbabwe. It is heartbreaking that the situation has become much worse and this is the reason for this crowd funding project. Your help is very much needed. But please continue reading...
On 27th February, 2018 the South African Parliament agreed with the (EFF), Economic Freedom Fighters, a hostile , marxist political group in South Africa a motion to expropriate land from the minority white population the farmers without compensation. Parliament voted overwhelmingly. Parliament said this must be done in a way that ensures food safety, economic growth and radical economic transformation. This is grossly unrealistic and difficult to visualise how this will be implemented to safeguard and avoid further escalation of farm raids, torture and murder.
The ruling government, the (ANC) African National Congress tabled the amendments to the opposition EFF motion and resolved that the Constitutional Review Committee of Parliament review Section 25 of the Constitution and other clauses where necessary to cater sufficiently for the principle of Land Expropriation without Compensation. The committee has been mandated to prioritize this issue and report back to Parliament by the 30th August, 2018.
Currently South Africa is on the brink of becoming another Zimbabwe or the country could slide quickly into a Rwandan style genocide, bypassing the Zimbabwe analogy altogether. Currently South Africa is at number 7 meaning "extermination" of the 8 stages of Genocide Watch in accordance with Gregory H. Stanton, President of Genocide Watch.
For too many years the hard left of the ANC has been taking control, their policies shaped the EFF. The ANC are losing control and with it votes to the EFF rhetoric hate, divisive racism to under educate South Africans to take white South African farms, houses, apartment and business. Which ever way the individual thinks this will affect every white South African whether they own a farm or a house in the town or a city and the sad part about this situation is the liberals will pretend this is not happening.
Today there exists the systematic murder of white South African farmers that produce the food to feed the nation. Others are been driven from their land, from their homes. Daily farmers are attacked, threatened intimidated, tortured and then murdered often in the most brutal manner imaginable. You will not read about these atrocities by the main stream media. You will not hear the South African ANC government talk about it... there is just a deafening SILENCE. The South African Police Service are not in a hurry to attend to the emergency calls from frightened farmers and home owners under attack and when the police do arrive, often the crime scene is not investigated or documented. These incidents are reported as a "Normal Crime" and yet there is nothing normal about these incidents and when the perpetrators if and when they are apprehended and arrested often their case dockets go "missing in transit" which means the perpetrator is released only to commit these heinous crimes again.
2017 - From 01st January to 31st December. 463 Farm Attacks = 1.3 farm attacks a day (on average) 94 Farm Murders with 1 farmer murdered every 3.8 days (on average) The number of attackers will be in groups from 3 to 12 members. Attacks will occur on any day, at any time during the night and usually from midnight to early morning.
From March 2017 the farm attacks and farm murders have escalated rapidly. We have determined the escalation is due to the purposely engineered Gupta campaign to create further racial tension, civil unrest and divide in South Africa. However these incidents from the start of 2018 have continued to escalate, unabated and motivated by intimidation from the hostile Marxist political group named; Economic Freedom Fighters led by Julius Malema and the revolutionary political group named; (BLF) Black First Land First led by Andile Mngxitama.

The statistics provided Incident Report are used courtesy of Vonkmedia, South Africa.
Statistics from 1994 to 2016 are available on written request.
Systematic Slaughter of White South Africans:
2018 INCIDENT REPORT: From 1st January To 30th April.
Already 169 Farm Attacks and 21 Farm Murders January to end of April. These are just the reported incidents. The provincial attacks are all pinned on the map.

Today white South Africans owning land and property they call their home need your help they stand to lose everything they have worked hard for most of their lives.
The ruling ANC government want to confiscate their land and property without compensation.
APPEAL: Citizens of the World. URGENT Appeal for HELP. Please Donate to the Emergency Crowd Fund to help white South Africans.
Emergency Funding: Description.
A subsistence, resettlement starter pack providing an infrastructure for white South African's and their immediate families in dire straits and require evacuation, assistance and or seeking asylum in another country.
More white South Africans are becoming displaced and largely due to Black Economic Empowerment Employment Laws that excludes white men and women from the work-place, they find themselves falling on hard times, evicted from their homes, with no where else to go but living in displacement camps (informal settlements Or / squatter camps). The South African government is deliberately denying aid and social services to white South Africans that fall on hard times.
Video Link #1 Copy and Paste this Link into your Browser and it will take you the video on Youtube that describes the inside of South Africa's White Squatter Camps.
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq0GReiZyKc
Video Link #2 Copy and Paste the beneath link into your Browser and it will take you to the video on Youtube . What has the Western World heard in the last 24 years about Nelson Mandela's Rainbow Nation? There is a news media embargo in South Africa. Mainstream media will not report the facts of all that really continues about farm attacks and farm murders and the truth will not be forthcoming from the ruling African National Congress Government, as a result we have relied on independent world-wide alternative media. Watch the full video up to the end and do also take note of the black lady what she says, at the end.
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8-G9hMY-qk
All of the donations received will go towards assisting and managing the lives of individuals, families and their children who have been given a raw deal by their government and are forced to live in uncertainty and conflict because they are systematically been cleansed from their land and their homes. They are not permitted to defend themselves and in 3 years there will be no more white farmers left in South Africa.
Please HELP grow this crowd fund as soon as you can there are many people relying on it.
Thank you.
Campaign Director. Resident in the United Kingdom.
Contact Details:
Humanities Action Group Limited Company Registered in England and Wales. Email: HumanitiesActionGroup@gmail.com
Facebook: Like our Community Page https://www.facebook.com/BreakTheSilenceEndCaucasianGenocideInSouthAfrica/
Telephone: (UK) +44 01622 670189
Mobile Phone: Available on written email request.

7 years ago
Humanities Action Group Limited
7 years agoHooray and Thank You for Caring.
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7 years ago
Humanities Action Group Limited
7 years agoHello, Our crowd funding project has been live on-line for one day and so far we have raised GB £60.00. Long way to go still! Please donate to our Emergency Fund for white South African farmers owning land in rural areas and civilians owning property in towns and cities they really need your help because under the government threats of confiscation of land and property without compensation they stand to lose everything they have worked hard for. Those supporters that have donated we thank you for caring. Kind regards Shar.
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7 years ago
Humanities Action Group Limited
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Humanities Action Group Limited started crowdfunding
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Mar 12, 2018
White lives matter !!
Willie Jordaan Jr.
Mar 7, 2018
Thanks for taking initiative, much appreciated. Please also sign and share the following petition https://www.change.org/p/donald-trump-the-stage-is-being-set-for-total-genocide-of-all-white-south-afr
Ruth Pilmore
Mar 4, 2018
Anne Downes
Mar 4, 2018
For those less fortunate than myself. Thankfully I was able to leave others are not able to and they need our help.
Daisy Cutter
Mar 2, 2018
Please help raise awareness and support for my fellow countrymen. Please help to coordinate a movement that not only guarantees safety but also the identity of white South Africans. Thank you.
Mar 1, 2018
Every little bit counts
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