We did it!
mark Baker raised £830 from 35 supporters
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Closed 09/07/2022
Iʼve raised £830 to SESMA funds for medical, hygiene and baby supplies for Ukrainian Refugees
- norwich
- Funded on Saturday, 9th July 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
SESMA believes in family, community and helping others, we are asking you to help too...
Master Wayne & Sue recently spoken to their friends in Luxembourg, Dave & Lynn Holland who recently drove to Poland with cars/van full of wanted supplies, on how SESMA can help with their next trip.
It was discussed about Master Wayne flying out to Luxembourg, hiring a van and being part of the convoy. As greatly appreciated that it was, they had plenty of driver volunteers from their village.
What is greatly needed is funds to buy medical, hygiene and baby products.
Clothing, blankets etc were being donated by the lorryful from other humanitarian groups and from Dave & Lynn's conversations with organisers at the Refugee Centres, it was medical, hygiene and baby products that were needed.
Dave & Lynn are planning to return to varies Refugee Centres 31st March -
2nd April dropping off supplies and transporting refugee families to neighbouring countries.
Updates appear here
mark Baker started crowdfunding
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Edith and Martha
Mar 29, 2022
The girls emptied their piggy banks to donate to this cause as they wanted to help other children with nothing.
Hannah and Dottie Gunning
Mar 24, 2022
Mar 20, 2022
Mar 20, 2022
Lynette & Oscar D
Mar 18, 2022
Rhys Carter
Mar 16, 2022
Fox family
Mar 16, 2022
No to war. Peace for Ukraine.
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