We did it!
sam selby raised £1,346 from 27 supporters
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Closed 24/07/2020
Iʼve raised £1,346 to help Rainworth & Blidworth Boxing Club Survive
- Funded on Friday, 24th July 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
We have been informed today that any missed rent payments will need to be paid back once we are able to open again. This will close our club as it’s ran on the limit anyway. We are therefore trying to raise enough money to see us through the next 3 months. Any donation however small would be greatly appreciated so we can be there to help you all get fit again once we beat this virus🥊
much love xxx
- 5 years ago
sam selby
5 years agoHuge thank you for all donations in so far, can’t thank you enough. 💗 Much love XXX
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sam selby started crowdfunding
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Pat Woodward
Apr 10, 2020
Good cause
mick bradwell
Apr 10, 2020
Good luck getting to your target! Great gym for the boys and girls to train.
Callum Bradwell
Apr 8, 2020
My Younger brother loves the club, hope it helps!
John Macleod
Apr 8, 2020
Hope it helps to get you to your targetWirefield Limited
Kerry MacLeod
Apr 8, 2020
Happy to support its an amazing club and my son loves it.
Apr 5, 2020
Apr 2, 2020
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