We did it!
Patrick Amber raised £220 from 13 supporters
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Closed 13/05/2023
Iʼve raised £220 to cover material costs for making a Scream of Swifts! With any additional funds going straight to Sheffield Swift Network
- Sheffield
- Funded on Saturday, 13th May 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Last autumn, Patrick Amber and Jan-Erik Bullet made a 2.5 meter wingspan swift! 'Hannah' as she has since been named, darted about outside Sheffield Town Hall as a Swift's Lament was read out and Sheffield Swift Network‘s ‘Make Swift Bricks Compulsory’ petition was handed in. The petition had some success The Petition Is In! and Hannah made an impression too.
Now we have more ideas for more swifts and we need your help!
On Sunday 15th and Sunday 22nd January 2023, we will be running free Swift Making Workshops in Sheffield. Anyone can come and make a swift. Materials will be provided and there'll be plenty of help at hand. We'll be using willow and techniques used for making carnival lanterns. Once constructed, the swifts will be painted with artist's acrylics, varnished and ready for action. The workshops will be videod for training purposes - so more swifts can be made!
The cost of materials is little over £100. Any additional funds raised would go to Sheffield Swift Network. The artist's time (preparing and delivering the workshops) and room hire is donated in kind.
We'd like the swifts made to be available for future events organised by Sheffield Swift Network. Makers would be welcome to take them home to care for them in the meantime if they wish or leave with us.
Let's look out for swifts.
- 2 years ago
Patrick Amber
2 years agoAt the last count, by the end of the second workshop, we had 14 swifts being made! And we've managed to film the making process which is currently being edited into a video tutorial for all to see. Due to popularity, We'll carry on having workshops on every Sunday in February' We've bought more wet strength tissue paper, PVA glue and will top up with paint. Without this crowdfund and your support, this wouldn't have been possible. The cost of materials has been covered successfully! So Thank you! Come along on Sundays and give a hand!
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- 2 years ago
Patrick Amber
2 years agoThanks for all your support so far. It means no one will be out of pocket! Today a few folk got together and spent the afternoon drawing and painting swifts ay Abbeyfield House in Pitsmoor. As well as having a lovely, creative time together, we got to know more about the swift network projects and each other better. We've put the artwork on display ready for tomorrow's workshop.
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Patrick Amber started crowdfunding
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Hazel Jones
Feb 5, 2023
Catherine Downes
Jan 30, 2023
Lovely efforts. Looking forward to attending a workshop on Feb 25 with my granddaughter.
Jan 22, 2023
Tina Ledger
Jan 16, 2023
Thank you for your time and support.
Jan 16, 2023
I heart Patrick
Linda - Nether Green swifts
Jan 15, 2023
Thank you for organising the workshops - I had a fabulous time making my swift! It was great meeting everyone too. Best wishes for the next workshop(s).x
Mel @ S6 Swifts
Jan 15, 2023
Thanks for a brilliant weekend of painting and swift making!
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Patrick Amber
Community artist: puppeteer, carnival lantern maker and painter in awe of wildlife. patrickamber@rocketmail.com