We did it!
Colin Macdonald raised £1,525 from 79 supporters
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Closed 01/04/2022
Iʼve raised £1,525 to Support the Red Cross in Ukraine
- Funded on Friday, 1st April 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
All funds will be used to help those in need, affected by armed conflict, blood collection, mobilization of volunteers and resources, and emergency activities.
Tickets are £5 each, so for every £5 of a donation we'll allocate a ticket to you. But you *must* make sure to ensure your name is visible in the JustGiving donation, otherwise we can't assign tickets to you. Prizes will be drawn at the Games Talks Live events on 8th-10th March, which can be watched online for free, more details at www.GamesTalks.Live
Prizes are:
3x Armor Games Steam code pack (Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive , Sonny , Nauticrawl , SOLAS 128)
3x Yogscast Games Steam code pack for all their current and future games (Caveblazers, Landlord's Super, Brunch Club, Drink More Glurp, and the upcoming Trolley Problem and Golfie)
3x Zappaty goody bag, including t-shirt, ball, pen, face mask, closed Beta entry for their free collaboration and large game file storage in Unity, and £50 Steam voucher.
3 x Focus Home Interactive Steam code pack (Aliens Fireteam, HardSpace Shipbreaker, Shady Part of Me, Snowrunner)
3 x Humble Games Steam code pack (Unpacking, Unsighted , Archvale , The Wild at Heart)
3 x £50 Steam vouchers courtesy of Pocket Sized Hands
3 x No More Robots Steam code pack (Descenders, Not Tonight 2, Let's Build a Zoo)
3 x Modern Wolf Steam code pack (Necronator: Dead Wrong, Ostranauts, Kosmokrats, Rogue State Revolution, Mechajammer)
3 x GameMaker Studio Enterprise licences courtesy of Opera
3 x Physical copy of a Signature Edition game of your choice courtesy of Merge Games
1 x Stunning Phillips HDK Monitor with Ambiglow from AOC
- 3 years ago
Colin Macdonald
3 years agoFinal fundraising total including cash tickets bought each night is £1,535 ! :) :)
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Colin Macdonald started crowdfunding
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Colin Macdonald
Mar 31, 2022
Jack Hardie
Mar 10, 2022
Briony Mckelvie
Mar 10, 2022
Daniel Livingstone
Mar 10, 2022
Great talks, great event. Sorry can't be there in person tonight.
Harry Mitchell
Mar 10, 2022
Romano Valerio
Mar 10, 2022
Neil Goodman
Mar 10, 2022
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
The page owner is responsible for the distribution of funds raised.
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