Iʼve raised £5 to for orphanages and poor villages in Romania as part of our School Aid Romania 2017 project.
- Funded on Saturday, 28th January 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
Each year, Schools across Northern Ireland travel to Romania to bring aid to society's most deprived.
This particular fund raising page will support Cookstown High School and St Partick's Grammar School to raise appropriate funds to support the most vulnerable in Romanian society.
Funds raised will go towards:
1 - Schools
2 - Orphanages
3 - Old People's homes
4 - Building Projects to support 'houses for life' where trained staff provide care for those where have been 'saved' from the corrupt institutions they were in before.
5 - Food for poor villages.
6 - Necessary aid requested from our visits
7 - Homeless people
Updates appear here
L FORREST started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Sep 30, 2016
Hope you reach your target Luke.
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