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Jennifer lea raised £305 from 13 supporters
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Closed 23/01/2020
Iʼve raised £305 to Help support Scarborough Sea Cadets to raise funds for a much-needed minibus.
- Scarborough
- Funded on Thursday, 23rd January 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Scarborough Boat Station is 7 miles from our unit and many of our cadets do not have access to transport.
Our goal for 2019 is to raise £15000.00 for a Minibus, which despite all our hard work, grit and determination our very own minibus still alludes us! This year as we celebrate our Centenary, we are appealing for you to please, please dig deep and help us get that minibus so that more kids in Scarborough, can get the opportunity to expand their horizons and build their life skills.
It's a massive expense as I'm sure you all agree, but we would really appreciate any amount that you can spare to help in the continuing success the unit achieves throughout.
We would gladly consider sponsorship as well and if you feel you would consider sponsorship please contact myself and I will pass on your offer to the Chairman of the committee.
The Scarborough Sea Cadets are an amazing group of young people who spend an amazing amount of time assisting the local community. We support
• Armed Forces Day
• Provide accommodation for veterans attending
• Support the British legion
• Merchant navy association
• Royal navy association
• Poppy appeal
Scarborough Sea Cadets provides a great opportunity for local kids to learn some of the life skills that may not otherwise be available to them - learning new skills and working in teams - in an environment where young people find new confidence and inspiration and whilst they are building life skills for themselves, they always have the community and others at the heart of what they do.
I have been involved with the unit through my child attending for nearly 3 years and in that time have seen Cadets complete various sailing and kayaking qualifications and attend numerous events including Armed Forces Day, local fayre's, events and of course Remembrance parades.
Scarborough Sea Cadets provides a valuable service to young people in Scarborough and the surrounding community. It provides developmental experiences through nautical adventure and fun; which in turn helps our young people become better citizens for the Community and develops their CV and potential too.
The group are a diverse organisation that has members who are “looked after”, disadvantaged and underprivileged. Scarborough is amongst the 10% most deprived neighbourhoods in the country. Cadets who live in the most deprived areas are most likely to experience conditions which limit their life opportunities.’
However, Scarborough Sea Cadets has continued to go from strength to strength, We currently have 87 cadets, who are looked after and managed by fantastic staff and Unit management committee, all of whom provide many, many hours of their free time to run and manage the unit completely voluntary and the Unit has achieved many accolades;
Winning Canada Trophy 2017 (best unit in the UK)
Wining the Thomas Gray Memorial Shield (Second best overall unit in the UK). 2016
Winning Captains Cup (3rd Best Unit in UK) 2015
Winning the Stephenson Trophy (Best unit in Eastern Area) x 3 years
Winning the award for Best Training in the Area 2016 & 2017 and Most Offshore Hours 2017 & 2018
Representing the SCC in the WW1 Centenary Parade in Belgium
Representing the SCC at the November Ceremonies in London. Marching past the Cenotaph.
Attaining British Rowing Recognition, RYA Recognition in Power, Windsurfing and Dinghy Sailing, Plus many, many more.
A lot of these would not happen without the support of the staff and dedicated committee members and of course transport to get to the various events.
Thank you in Advance
- 6 years ago
Jennifer lea
6 years agoThank you to all that have donated so far. As a committee and unit we have been busy writing letters and raising funds, so far we have raised an additional £2000.00 including a very generous donation from Royal Caribbean Cruises. Our cadets are busy looking at fund raising events that they can hold. If you would like to contact us regarding fund raising or information about our minibus fund, please contact me jennielea@me.com. I will keep this page updated with progress.
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Jennifer lea started crowdfunding
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Sarah Merris
Mar 6, 2019
From The Merris family, Rotherham
Skid Roe
Feb 11, 2019
Go lit’l matelot’s go.....Fair winds fm AB(R)Skid Roe 🖤⚓️☠️
Grandad Tony
Jan 29, 2019
A very worthy cause for Scarborough. Its the Sea Cadets that have made some fine upstanding young men and women.
Sarah Crookes
Jan 26, 2019
Good luck in raising the money.
Jan 26, 2019
Kerry & Steve
Jan 25, 2019
Such an amazing organisation. Led by inspiring volunteer leaders. Without you all Iz wouldn’t be exposed to having such amazing opportunities. Let’s get this bus!!! Kerry & steve hope
Beyond Housing
Jan 25, 2019
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Jennifer lea
Scarborough Sea Cadets - Centenary 1919 - 2019 100 years of supporting and helping young people. A minibus will allow us to continue to access a wide array of training across the UK and ensure that we continue to offer these experiences for the good of our young people.