We did it!
Clarissa Barclay raised £792 from 49 supporters
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Closed 25/04/2020
Iʼve raised £792 to help save Ioana's Ark!
- Birmingham, UK
- Funded on Saturday, 25th April 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
All of the work Ioana's Ark has done for abused Romanian dogs & cats over the last 5 years is about to be thrown away, if we can't help raise money to prevent Ioana and her animals from being evicted!
Ioana's Ark takes care of 300 dogs & 25 cats, all of which have been rescued from the streets of Romania. They provide a safe haven, with food and warm beds for these vulnerable animals to sleep in.
But we need a miracle - we need to raise at least £10k to pay off debts, or else the Ark's landlord will be shutting off electricity to the farm and blocking the entrance.
This means all of the Ark's animals will be forced back onto the streets where we rescued them from, just in time for the brutal, deathly Romanian winter - it is unlikely any of them will survive it.
PLEASE PLEASE help if you can! We are truly desperate. Even the smallest donations add up, and are so so greatly appreciated. You will literally be saving lives.
Please share!!!
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Clarissa Barclay started crowdfunding
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Jan 18, 2020
What a brilliant thing you are doing, bringing some kind of hopeto these poor animals. Can you reach out to celebrities forhelp? I hope you get the money you need
Nicola Hale
Aug 28, 2019
Please don’t give up, we all want to help you. Sent with love and best wishes x
Nicola Hale
Jul 28, 2019
Please don’t give up, we all want to help you. Sent with love and best wishes x
Nicola Hale
Jun 28, 2019
Please don’t give up, we all want to help you. Sent with love and best wishes x
Rosie Mackay
Jun 8, 2019
Nicola Hale
May 28, 2019
Please don’t give up, we all want to help you. Sent with love and best wishes x
Nicola Hale
Apr 28, 2019
Please don’t give up, we all want to help you. Sent with love and best wishes x
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